PEAK XOOPS - Let's make joints (2) in englishin japanese

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XOOPS : Let's make joints (2)
Poster : GIJOE on 2007-06-11 05:19:05 (9121 reads)

in englishin japanese
I'm itroducing the second sample of "parse joint".
This joint named D3pipesParseLinkhtml can fetch "publish time" and "link of the article" on the other hand, D3pipesParseSimplehtml can fetch only the "heading".

D3pipesParseLinkhtml has been already included the latest archive of d3pipes.

With the sample joint of D3pipesParseLinkhtml, you can make a pipe like this.
(Just a sample)

 0 Fetching from outside  snoopy    (URI of the page)
10 Transfer to UTF-8     (asyoulike)  The encoding of the page
20 Parsing XML           linkhtml   #([0-9/]{10}).*href=\"([^"]+)\"\>(.*)\</a\>#iU
30 Transfer from UTF-8   (asyoulike)  Internal encoding of your site
40 Clipping into local    moduledb   86400

It is defficult to describe the option as a regex pattern for linkhtml.

You have to know the meaning of each ().

1st () corresponds datetime (published)
2nd () corresponds link URI
3rd () corresponds the heading


1st () corresponds link URI
2nd () corresponds the heading
3rd () corresponds datetime (published)

You have to make a regex pattern fitting the site you want to get information.



require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/D3pipesParseAbstract.class.php' ;

class D3pipesParseLinkhtml extends D3pipesParseAbstract {

	function execute( $html_source , $max_entries = '' )
		$items = array() ;

		$result = preg_match_all( $this->option , $html_source , $matches , PREG_SET_ORDER ) ;
		if( ! $result ) {
			$this->errors[] = 'Invalid pattern for this Parser' ;
		foreach( $matches as $match ) {
			if( preg_match( '#[0-9]{2,4}[/.-][0-9]{1,2}[/.-][0-9]{1,2}#' , $match[1] , $regs ) ) {
				$pubtime = strtotime( $regs[0] ) ;
				$link = $match[2] ;
				$headline = $match[3] ;
			} else if( preg_match( '#[0-9]{2,4}[/.-][0-9]{1,2}[/.-][0-9]{1,2}#' , $match[3] , $regs ) ) {
				$pubtime = strtotime( $regs[0] ) ;
				$link = $match[1] ;
				$headline = $match[2] ;
			} else {
				$pubtime = time() ;
				$link = $match[1] ;
				$headline = $match[2] ;

			$items[] = array(
				'headline' => $headline ,
				'pubtime' => $pubtime ,
				'link' => $link ,
				'fingerprint' => $link ,
			) ;

		return $items ;




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