PEAK XOOPS - WRAPS module released in englishin japanese

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XOOPS : WRAPS module released
Poster : GIJOE on 2006-05-17 03:48:00 (12245 reads)

in englishin japanese
I've just released WRAPS as the first release of Dupliacatble V3 module.
This is a little module for page wrapping.

files of *.html and *.html will be sandwitched between XOOPS header and XOOPS footer.
The other files will be sent with proper "Content-Type"s.

Since all files are checked by XOOPS core, you can control user's accesses per each groups easily.

I guess this module might be the first module using dynamic module icons.

If you a user of TinyD, you can select a path from two.

If you use "wrap" in TinyD, it is easy to immigrate from TinyD to WRAPS.

The module of PICO -The contents- will be released soon.
PICO will be another substitution for TinyD.
Immigration script from TinyD to PICO will be also released

I shall abandon maintaining TinyD after releasing the two modules.


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