TinyD is a forked module based on Tiny Content made by chapi.
Tiny Content is simple and light content module.
Since I think that simpleness and lightness is the most important factor for content module, I love this module.
I want to clone this module but it is not so easy.
Thus, I experimented to make a module which can be easily cloned.
Though it has not understood whether this experiment succeeded yet, I distribute this funny hacked module.
I thanks to the author -Tobias Liegl (AKA CHAPI)-.
If you are new user of TinyD or TinyContent, upload modules/tinyd0 and install it. (It's quite normal way as a Module for Xoops)
If you want to use features of PEAR Wiki or SPAW editor, upload common/PEAR and common/spaw into your XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.
If you already a user of CHAPI's TinyContent, rename tinyd0 to tinycontent and overwrite tinycontent/. After this, update the module in module's admin.
If you already a user of TinyD, reneme tinyd0 to tinycontent* as you like.
Of course, updating module is necessary.
You can clone this module easily. only copy them.
And the rule of directory's name is quite simple.
This module judges its number by tale of directory's name.
modules/tinyd0 - treated as No.0 module of TinyD
modules/tinycontent1 - treated as No.1 moudle of TinyD
modules/c2 - treated as No.2 module of TinyD
modules/tinycontent - treated as unnumbered module of TinyD
The numbers of TinyD have to be unique.
Also, unnumbered module have to be unique.
You can install or upgrade TinyD as modules/tinycontent/ for compatibility of URI.
Moreover, this module demonstrates more abilities with mod_rewrite when you wrap many pages.
If you can use mod_rewrite, rename .htaccess.rewrite into .htaccess .
This project has already exceeded the experimentation phase and reached practical stage.
I modified almost files and has been changed far from original spec.
I recommend this hacked module with confidence.
After mh012, you can also duplicate blocks.
It is useful as replacement as custom blocks or summary of contents.
If you want to use this block as summary, use [summary][/summary] tag.
In content block, you can see inside of this tags on the other hand you can see whole of contents in main part.
And you also want to add a link for full view, copy templates/blocks/tinycontent_content_block.html.dist to templates/blocks/tinycontent_content_block.html and edit it as you like.
If you want to use SPAW integrated with myAlbum-P, set the path for
phtos/thumbnails like this:
2006-08-09 2.25
- fixed compatibility with Cube 2.1 (thx minahito)
- modified templates of tinycontent*_index.html (thx jidaikobo)
2006-07-14 2.24
- changed the spec of "Text without BB" from $myts to htmlspecialchars()
- remove <pre></pre> from "HTML without HTML"
2006-06-27 2.23
- fixed PHP contents displayed as is in search module (thx suin)
- changed calling Text_Wiki with htmlspecialchars() (thx sunaoka)
2006-04-22 2.22
- fixed the compatibility among mod_rewrite and xoops comment (thx t_yamo)
2006-04-11 2.21
- added a feature of update wrapped contents for searching
- modified invalid xhtml in some templates (thx kimono)
- added mytplsadmin
2006-02-13 2.20
- updated mymenu (for the compatibility with XoopsCube 2.1)
- modified the compatibility between "rewrite mode" and "fastest cache hack"
- added portuguesebr language files (thx Izzy)
2005-11-14 2.19
- modified the compatibilities with PHP 5.0.5
- remove CRs in some php files
2005-8-27 2.18
- modified a compatibility with XOOPS 2.1/2.2
- updated myblocksadmin into 0.40
- modified Render/Xhtml/Code.php in PEAR Text_Wiki
2005-5-31 2.17
- modified common's SPAW can use with Windows server
- updated gtickets.php
- fixed preview breaks editing mode
- modified {X_SITEURL} in all of contents will be converted to XOOPS_URL
- fixed WRAP2&3's URI to top in page navigation
- modified common SPAW with myAlbum-P as attachment manager (2.17a)
2005-5-11 2.16
- added singlecontent.php for popup etc.
- added common html header into preferences
- fixed a bug in page navigation (thx kumakichi)
- updated common's SPAW into nobunobu version based on 1.0.7 (special thx nobunobu!)
- modified you can edit with WYSIWYG editor via Firefox
2005-5-02 2.15
- fixed XSS in common's SPAW (thx nobunobu!)
2005-4-20 2.14
- added submenu unit mode into page navigation
2005-4-19 2.13
- fixed heading in SPAW
- added assigning 'xoops_default_comment_title' for "Comment Anywhere"
2005-4-17 2.12
- modified "modules/less" mode can use xoops comments
- modified WRAP2 can use xoops comments
2005-4-16 2.11
- fixed "export" doesn't check if admin of the target module.
- added the rule page of PEAR::Text_Wiki
- updated PEAR::Text_Wiki into 1.0 stable
2005-4-13 2.10
- added a field for HTML headers (check $xoops_module_header in your theme.html)
- added a field for created date
- added "export" to other TinyDs
- added "saveas/clone" in content's editor
- fixed a typo in the interface to search module by suin
- fixed a bug with treating homepage
2005-3-4 2.07
- added INDEXes into sql/tinycontent*.sql
- modified the onupdate feature adding field of last_modified automatically
- modified saving last_modified in batch update
- added some samples -last modified or edit link- into tinycontent_index.html
- updated myblocksadmin 0.27 & mymenu 0.12
- modified english language files (thx Peter)
2005-2-22 2.06
- fixed notice with some httpd (thx karedokx)
- updated myblocksadmin 0.26 & mymenu 0.11
2005-2-19 2.05
- added a mode collaborate with "tell a friend" by GIJOE
- added a mode of "modules/less" experimentaly
- fixed some bad links in blocks admin (thx karedokx)
- modified search.inc.php can display bodies with "search module" by suin
2005-2-11 2.04
- fixed a bug comments is not usable with homepage (thx hodaka)
- added a mode without BB code into HTML and Text
2005-2-6 2.03
- modified preview works with firefox etc.
- added an assignment homepage_id
- updated myblocksadmin 0.25 & mymenu 0.10
2005-1-8 2.02
- updated myblocksadmin 0.23
2004-12-30 2.01
- added link to full view in content block with [summary][/summary]
- fixed a bug with specifying homepage (thx HODAKA)
- added blank directory rewrite/ for mod_rewrite (thx uishii)
- updated myblocksadmin 0.22 & mymenu 0.07
2004-12-7 2.00
- added ticket system for the security
- modified the values of block's options will be kept when module is updated (thx nobunobu)
- modified as DUPLICATABLE V2.1
- modified PEAR & spaw separated
- modified spaw can insert images from myAlbum-P's ImageManager Integration (thx nobunobu)
- many bugs fixed
- some security holes are fixed (special thx JM2!)
2004-7-7 1.5mh014
- fixed a bug about sanitize when magic_quotes_gpc is On (thx Ryuji)
2004-6-25 1.5mh013
- fixed a bug of redeclair rendering functions (thx Christoph)
- applied some php environment is not defined 'PATH_SEPARATOR' (thx toshimitsu)
- added sunday_Text_Wiki (commented out in default) (thx minahito!)
2004-6-18 1.5mh012
- added content block (this block is duplicatable !)
-- if you want to use template, rename tinycontent_content_block.html.dist to tinycontent_content_block.html and edit it.
- added class TinyDTextSanitizer extends MyTextSanitizer
- added tag [siteimg]
- added tag [summary][/summary] only text inside this tag will be displayed in content block
- added WRAP4 mode (replace attribute of 'src' or 'href')
- added "double space to space + & nbsp;" mode
- fixed typo in page navigation (thx HODAKA)
- fixed encoding problem with search (thx almhouse)
- added swedish language files (thx Leif Madsen)
2004-6-2 1.5mh011
- added a config can select block of tc_nav's target
- added a config whether it displays "printer friendly" icon or not
- added a config whether it displays "tell a friend" icon or not
- added page navigation
- updated mymenu
2004-5-6 1.5mh010
- fixed the trouble which occurs in languages other than English
- added temporary language files of danish, french, german, nederlands, spanish, tchinese (Better language files are appriciated.)
2004-4-27 1.5mh009
- Fixed enable to select spaw when making new content (2nd careless mistake)
- Modified changeable the editor for textarea in editing part
2004-4-25 1.5mh008
- fixed careless mistake in xoops_version.php (thx DonXoop)
2004-4-23 1.5mh007
- added mod_rewrite for each page wrapping
- added mod_rewrite for module entirely (SEO?)
- modified that relative link in wrapped html can be displayed in XOOPS automatically by using mod_rewrite (special thx to minahito!)
- added encoding translation in dislaying wrapped html
- added PEAR Wiki mode (special thx to minahito!)
- added PHP mode
- added preview
- added selectable switch to use or not to use SPAW according to the usage
- modified that the size of textarea can be changed
- united checkboxes into "enable comments". (not to use "disable comments")
- modified the action when "homepage" can't be displayed
- added field for timestamp. (you should "alter table" in list view)
2004-4-10 1.5mh006
- Base of page wrapping can be changed into the directory same as the page.
- Chanegd wrapped contents is searchable
- Templatized printing script
- Renamed .htaccess into .htaccess.dist for some environment.
-- (If you want more secure, rename it back as .htaccess manually)
- Changed even homepage is displayed in Submenu.
- Modification with "tell to a friend" in muti-byte environment.
- Changed to use SPAW instance in tinycontent/admin/spaw from every tinycontent*. (another tinycontent*/admin/spaw can be deleted.)
- Debugged with SPAW (eg. wrong virtual paths in dialogs)
- Changed as selectable SPAW's language from tinycontent's language files.
- Improved a variety of code and changed minor specifications.
2004-3-10 1.5mh005
- submenu's priority added (thx Tom_G3X)
- myblocksadmin updated into 0.05
2004-2-29 1.5mh004
- myblocksadmin updated
- modified to work fine under register_globals off
- .htaccess added
2004-2-26 1.5mh003
- Templates of each modules was separated. If you used customized template, rebuild template please. (spcial thx toshimitsu)
- A security hole of SPAW has fixed.
- Another some fixes
2004-2-23 1.5mh002
- Fixed typo in tc_navigation.php (thx toshimitsu)
- use eval() instead of function definition multiply (special thx minahito!)
2004-2-18 1.5mh001
- The first release version