PEAK XOOPS - Comments on piCal (version 0.6 beta) in englishin japanese

Comments on piCal (version 0.6 beta)

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/8/3 15:17
jph0  ÆóÅùʼ   Posts: 6
Read all the other posts but not sure if any resolution:

1. Recurring Event Bug

There may be a bug in piCal's "Recur Yes" calculation. In entering a Meeting event on the 2nd Thursday of each month starting on August 12 and ending on December 9, there were two problems: (a) the meeting was assigned to Friday, November 12th; (b) the meeting was not assigned to December 9th.

As a workaround, the ending date was changed to November 11, and a separate non-recurring event was added for November 11.

2. Holiday Data

piCal appears to store holiday dates in the piCal/language/english/pical_vars.phtml file. These values determine (at least) the background color (in the calendar) of the specified dates.

Is there any documentation on parameter specifications and the format of this file?

3. Browser crash on popup date entry

Oh, yeah, by the way, using the pop-up calendar feature to enter dates for events has crashed my browser (Safari) a few times.

I like piCal. Keep up the good work.
Votes:1 Average:0.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2004/8/13 16:51
GIJOE  ÀèǤ·³Áâ   Posts: 4110
hi jph0.

1. Recurring Event Bug

There may be a bug in piCal's "Recur Yes" calculation. In entering a Meeting event on the 2nd Thursday of each month starting on August 12 and ending on December 9, there were two problems: (a) the meeting was assigned to Friday, November 12th; (b) the meeting was not assigned to December 9th.

As a workaround, the ending date was changed to November 11, and a separate non-recurring event was added for November 11.
I don't think the extracting routine itself for recurring events has such a bug.
The problem is easily caused by a viriety of wrong settings.
- The server has summer time (I think it is a wrong setting)
- Wrong setting of timezones

You can check it this site.
The event will be extracted correctly.

2. Holiday Data

piCal appears to store holiday dates in the piCal/language/english/pical_vars.phtml file. These values determine (at least) the background color (in the calendar) of the specified dates.

Is there any documentation on parameter specifications and the format of this file?
I don't have such a documentation.
But the structure is quite easy.
You can specify the holiday's data like this:
language/(your language)/pical_vars.html
$this->holidays = array( '(Formats of Y-n-j)' => 1 , ... );
Formats of Y-n-j is not compatible Y-m-d like ISO.
Sep 1 2004 in US English should be written as 2004-9-1 instead of 2004-09-01.

3. Browser crash on popup date entry

Oh, yeah, by the way, using the pop-up calendar feature to enter dates for events has crashed my browser (Safari) a few times.
piCal uses the calendar of XOOPS core.
If you can, claim it core team.
As I don't have Mac, I can't debug it.
Votes:1 Average:10.00

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