PEAK XOOPS - how to : xoops_language_checker in englishin japanese

how to : xoops_language_checker

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2003/10/23 21:56
ouioui  Private   Posts: 1

your xoops_language_checker.tar.gzr seems well but how can i use it in my xoops site ?

Best regard.

I'm interreste about yout you piCal, when do you think the english version is ok ?
Votes:2 Average:10.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2003/10/24 9:47
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
your xoops_language_checker.tar.gzr seems well but how can i use it in my xoops site ?
This tool is useful for developpers and localizers.
Perhaps, it is not so useful for site administrators.
If you dare, a command
 $ xoops_lang_check.php --help
helps you.

I'm interreste about yout you piCal, when do you think the english version is ok ?
You've already seen it here.
Votes:3 Average:3.33

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