PEAK XOOPS - XoopsCube Developers Meeting #1 in englishin japanese

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XOOPS : XoopsCube Developers Meeting #1
Poster : GIJOE on 2007-10-29 05:43:16 (8316 reads)

in englishin japanese
XCDM#1 参加してきました。

技術よりの話かと思ったら、そんなのはまったくなくて、「自分はOSSに対して何ができるか」を確認する作業でした。密室の中でチームになって、プロジェクトに対して貢献できることをリストアップしていく作業……。これって、新興宗教のオルグ? とかちょっと思いました



あと、Marijuanaさんから、「XOOPS Cube Legacy デベロッパーズバイブル」をいただきました!

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Comments list

gigamaster  Posted on 2007/10/31 2:16
To a man of science, thesis should not be a problem

And to be a good Open Source Project,
you know, science has a lot of exceptions.
Maybe we are just discovering that XCL
can be an exception on open source as well
as the people who made this a great adventure.

GIJOE  Posted on 2007/10/30 13:30 | Last modified
hi gigamaster.


So, He try !? But was he successful?
The result of group's meeting will be reported as a Gantt chart

How to be a good Open Source Project...

It is an eternal thesis.
gigamaster  Posted on 2007/10/29 8:10
So, He try !? But was he successful?

Because it seems a very difficult task to
change people mind. And if the mind don't
change, how to change the world?

Seriously, I hope you all have fun and that
it was a constructive exchange.

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