PEAK XOOPS - 本家版コアとD3モジュールの関係 in englishin japanese

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XOOPS : 本家版コアとD3モジュールの関係
Poster : GIJOE on 2007-07-12 18:06:02 (9489 reads)

in englishin japanese
本家版XOOPSの2.0.14/15/16は、2.0.x というバージョンナンバーでありながら、互換性を大幅に失う形で機能拡張してしまった、困ったバージョンです。

正直言って、世界中の皆さんにも、XOOPS 2.0.16a-JPという安定版を使って欲しいところですが、なぜか日本以外では、圧倒的にXOOPS 2.0.16が利用されているようです。(不思議としか言い様がないのですが)

「どちらのコアチームにも与しない」と明言した以上、2.0.16もある程度サポートしないわけにはいかないでしょう。仕方ないので渋々、D3モジュール群の 2.0.16 対応をしてみました。






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GIJOE  Posted on 2007/8/20 6:44
hi gigamaster.


gigamaster wrotes:
"Pico" in portuguese, mean "the top", also the highest mountain of portugal is called "Pico"
Is it the same origin as "PEAK" in English?
I'm working on PEAK Corporation.

I named the module "pico" as "quite tiny".
mini - micro - nano - pico
gigamaster  Posted on 2007/8/19 13:59 | Last modified
You know that i think D3 modules are a revolutionary event of xoops modules history. And definitively, Pico is my favorite. "Pico" in portuguese, mean "the top", also the highest mountain of portugal is called "Pico"

I'm near to find the words and the good examples to explain and show its possibilities. Here is an ancient latin quote and definition:

"Deus Ex Machine"

1. In Greek and Roman drama, a god lowered by stage machinery to resolve a plot or extricate the protagonist from a difficult situation.

2. An unexpected, artificial, or improbable character, device, or event introduced suddenly in a work of fiction or drama to resolve a situation or untangle a plot.

3. A person or event that provides a sudden and unexpected solution to a difficulty.

Thank you !
GIJOE  Posted on 2007/8/19 9:51
hi gigamaster.

Thank you for admiring my works

I want to make/maintain modules for all XOOPSers regardlessly or
gigamaster  Posted on 2007/8/19 2:47
Since Xoops project at is open again to development and community contributions, maybe the new core team will fix it and reduce the gap with XC Legacy.

For us, end users, Altsys is a good example that has an option to allow Xoops2 users to change the 'admin menu' alike XOOPS Cube Legacy. Give it a try!

Finally, Altsys and Protector are not so difficult to install. For a new 'xoops experience', test other D3 modules, compatible with both versions : old and new !

Have Fun !
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