PEAK XOOPS - minahito's great works... in englishin japanese

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XOOPS : minahito's great works...
Poster : GIJOE on 2005-02-19 19:04:23 (13117 reads)

There was a great programmer named "minahito" in Japanese XOOPS community.
After he made a lot of great modules, he said good-bye and went to TikiWiki...

Although all of his works are great without exceptions, he made only Japanese language files.
Thus you did not hear his name all of the world but Japan.

It sounds regret.

Therefore, I'll introduce his great works.

The first one is "Comment Anywhere".

This module allows visitors submit comments from main pages seamlessly.
You will be suprised this is not a hack at all!

I've just installed it into this site, and you can find how useful this module is. (It's especially useful with myAlbum-P.)

I'll making his modules as international version.
Just wait.

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Comments list

FutureSpy  Posted on 2005/2/20 7:15

Yeah, actually I started using YYBBS 'cause I was a "fan" of YY-BOARD.

I also was using xixiBlog too, but I don't really like the way mixi blog looks like, so I came back to nobunobu's WordPress.

But all his modules are really useful!
GIJOE  Posted on 2005/2/20 6:00
hi Yuji.

YYBBS is a good bulletin board module "Simple&Best".

After Doko Demo Comento (=Comment Anywhere), I'll try to Doco Demo TrackBack (=TrackBack Anywhere).

This module should be added some codes against "Commenting Spam".
FutureSpy  Posted on 2005/2/19 20:24
I've been using minahito's YYBBS for about a year and Doko Demo Comento for a few months.

He always was nice to me, answering my questions written in bad Japanese & helped me a lot.

I'm really grateful to him, so if you need any help translating something, I'd be glad to help.
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