PEAK XOOPS - A Happy New Year from PEAK XOOPS in englishin japanese

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Site News : A Happy New Year from PEAK XOOPS
Poster : GIJOE on 2005-01-01 08:43:21 (8306 reads)

When 2005 has just stared, I'll write my TODOs in this new year.

1. Publishing a book of XOOPS

I've just beggan to write the articles for the book.
The themes may be "XOOPS's security" and "Advanced module usages".
The book will be co-written by xxxxx (It's a secret)

2. Releasing two new modules

a) Free DB module
b) The ultimate content module for static contents

Both will be made as full-scratched code.

I don't know whether this module is for original XOOPS , ORETEKI-XOOPS or the other secure core.

3. Modifying my modules

At least, PHP5/ORETEKI friendly must be implemented with all modules.

I know many TODOs are on my shoulders...

4. Creating sanitizing system for XSS which can be used commonly

It must be implemented with WYSIWYG editor.

A Happy and Secure New Year!

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Svaha  Posted on 2005/1/27 18:06
Hi GIJoe,
a little late but : Wish you a very happy new year, may all your wishes come through.
And thank you for all your work.
karedokx  Posted on 2005/1/14 19:44
I hope you will continue to develop modules for the original Xoops.

i'm following your works too gijoe and use almost all your modules. as tl has mentioned, i do really hope you continue your support to the original xoops. i do believe the xoops core developer will listen to your input and (with your guidance and support) will apply the security issue you have advise to the core.

i sincerely wish you the best in your coming new books and your plan in completing some other new module for xoops.

GIJOE  Posted on 2005/1/11 13:53
hi sakaik.

I'm sorry my answer is too late.

Of course, the book will be written in the language other than Japanese nor English.

The language is PHP.
PHP must be the most common language for us.

Anyway, I've just found you are much respectable.
It is too difficult for me to write a book.

What an excellent book "An introduction of XOOPS" you wrote is!
sakaik  Posted on 2005/1/4 16:44
A Happy new year, GIJOE!

I've just beggan to write the articles for the book.
The themes may be "XOOPS's security" and "Advanced module usages".
I'm happy to hear this announce!! Great!
I'm looking forward to read your new book.
BTW, that book will be published in English? or in Japanese?
and you are writting the two books? I say...
the book for "XOOPS's security" and the book for "Advanced module usages".

#oh... you say not "the books" but "the book"..

The book will be co-written by xxxxx (It's a secret)
waku waku
GIJOE  Posted on 2005/1/4 7:22
hi tl.
I sincerely do wish you accomplish all the to-do's and thanks for all of your modules. I hope you will continue to develop modules for the original Xoops.
I hope so.
But I can't continue to develop modules for the core who has no users by the reason why they says "XOOPS has a lot of holes. I'm scared to use"

I have a quick question. Will Protector stop people from using other people's identity as you have demonstrated? I have Protector installed on all of my sites, just want to know if it would be sufficient.
Of course, YES.
All versions of Xoops is protected only by intalling the recent Protector from the threat I did in .

But another holes was found by JM2 -THE REAL HERO- continuously.
I have to make the specific patches.

If possible, the patches will be implemented as a feature of Protector.
tl  Posted on 2005/1/2 4:21
Happy New Year!
I sincerely do wish you accomplish all the to-do's and thanks for all of your modules. I hope you will continue to develop modules for the original Xoops. It would be a loss to many Xoops users if you were to decide otherwise.
I have been following the Xoops threads on security issues. I have a quick question. Will Protector stop people from using other people's identity as you have demonstrated? I have Protector installed on all of my sites, just want to know if it would be sufficient.
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