PEAK XOOPS - un-well-known(?) usage of Smarty modifier (4) in englishin japanese

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XOOPS : un-well-known(?) usage of Smarty modifier (4)
Poster : GIJOE on 2006-07-12 05:03:13 (8103 reads)

in englishin japanese
You can use not only php's built-in functions but also functions defined by user.

But you have to know the function should be both ...
A) defined on smarty compiling
B) defined on smarty rendering

At least, functions defined in include/functions.php can be used.

eg) you can use xoops_substr() like this.


Though Smarty's default plugin of "truncate" is not compatible for multibyte, xoops_substr() is compatible.

You will be a little closer to "gread customizer" with this tips


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