PEAK XOOPS - un-well-known(?) usage of Smarty modifier (2) in englishin japanese

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XOOPS : un-well-known(?) usage of Smarty modifier (2)
Poster : GIJOE on 2006-07-10 06:26:44 (11744 reads)

in englishin japanese
You should learn how Smarty calls the function written as a modifier.
In Smarty's template:

Compiled php code:
echo function( param1 , param2 , param3 , param4 ) ;

(This is a simplified code. The real compiled code is:
<?php echo ((is_array($_tmp=param1)) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('function', true, $_tmp, param2,param3...) : function($_tmp, param2,param3...)); ?>)

But there are functions which first parameter is not the string assigned by program. regex functions or date functions etc.

In Japan, the most used expression for date is "Y/n/j".
But, date_format as a default modifier plugin of Smarty can't do that.

You just do this.


The template will be complied like this code.

date( "Y/n/j" , $news['created'] ) ;

Perhaps, many PHP programmer can understand clearly.

Of course, it will be good weapons for designers.
You -a designer- would be better learn php functions also.
(Not only Smarty's plugins)

I recommend you to test many PHP functions via tplsadmin or altsys module.

To be continued...

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Comments list

GIJOE  Posted on 2006/7/10 14:15
tohokuaiki  Posted on 2006/7/10 12:26


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