PEAK XOOPS - altsys released in englishin japanese

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XOOPS : altsys released
Poster : GIJOE on 2006-05-19 17:08:09 (9979 reads)

in englishin japanese
In XOOPS history, system module has been "hard to use" module, especially blocksadmin, groups, and tplsets.

Thus I've released myblocksadmin, mymenu, and mytplsadmin.

Today, I'm proud to release altsys module&library.

The weaknesses of myblocksadmin,mytplsadmin etc:
- each module instances have file instances. it makes the module hard to maintain.
- imcompatible Duplicatable V3 or XOOPS_TRUST_PATH modules
- it is not ready for the core like XoopsCube which can exchange system module

I solved all of the problems with altsys.

You can understand altsys like the formula:
altsys = myblocksadmin + mytplsadmin + mymenu + alpha

altsys is both library and module like myblocksadmin/blocksadmin.
But almost logics exists files under XOOPS_TRUST_PATH with altsys.
This means there is no duplication of files.

In Duplicatable V3 module, mymenu finds XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/libs/altsys and display menu items linking myblocksadmin or mytplsadmin automatically.

Of course, WRAPS -the first D3 module- has such a feature.

Then, I shall release D3 modules one after another.

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Comments list

Bandit-x  Posted on 2006/5/21 23:01
sounds great.
gigamaster  Posted on 2006/5/19 22:53
This sounds really good !
Thanks for sharing your amazing work.

Best Regards,
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