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Download Now! Download Now! TinyD 2.30 (LAST Version) Popular Version: 2.30
Submitted Date:  2006/10/31
in englishin japaneseTinyD is a forked module based on Tiny Content made by chapi.

Tiny Content is simple and light content module.
Since I think that simpleness and lightness is the most important factor for content module, I love this module.

I want to clone this module but it is not so easy.
Thus, I experimented to make a module which can be easily cloned.
Though it has not understood whether this experiment succeeded yet, I distribute this funny hacked module.

I thanks to the author -Tobias Liegl (AKA CHAPI)-.


If you are new user of TinyD or TinyContent, upload modules/tinyd0 and install it. (It's quite normal way as a Module for Xoops)

If you want to use features of PEAR Wiki or SPAW editor, upload common/PEAR and common/spaw into your XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.

If you already a user of CHAPI's TinyContent, rename tinyd0 to tinycontent and overwrite tinycontent/. After this, update the module in module's admin.

If you already a user of TinyD, reneme tinyd0 to tinycontent* as you like.
Of course, updating module is necessary.

You can clone this module easily. only copy them.
And the rule of directory's name is quite simple.

This module judges its number by tale of directory's name.

modules/tinyd0 - treated as No.0 module of TinyD
modules/tinycontent1 - treated as No.1 moudle of TinyD
modules/c2 - treated as No.2 module of TinyD
modules/tinycontent - treated as unnumbered module of TinyD

The numbers of TinyD have to be unique.
Also, unnumbered module have to be unique.

You can install or upgrade TinyD as modules/tinycontent/ for compatibility of URI.

Moreover, this module demonstrates more abilities with mod_rewrite when you wrap many pages.
If you can use mod_rewrite, rename .htaccess.rewrite into .htaccess .


This project has already exceeded the experimentation phase and reached practical stage.
I modified almost files and has been changed far from original spec.
I recommend this hacked module with confidence.

After mh012, you can also duplicate blocks.
It is useful as replacement as custom blocks or summary of contents.

If you want to use this block as summary, use [summary][/summary] tag.
In content block, you can see inside of this tags on the other hand you can see whole of contents in main part.

And you also want to add a link for full view, copy templates/blocks/tinycontent_content_block.html.dist to templates/blocks/tinycontent_content_block.html and edit it as you like.


If you want to use SPAW integrated with myAlbum-P, set the path for
phtos/thumbnails like this:



2007-03-12 2.30
- marked as stable (The last version)
(I recommend you to transfer pico from tinyd)

2006-10-31 2.30beta
- updated mymenu for compatibility with Cube 2.1

2006-08-09 2.25
- fixed compatibility with Cube 2.1 (thx minahito)
- modified templates of tinycontent*_index.html (thx jidaikobo)

2006-07-14 2.24
- changed the spec of "Text without BB" from $myts to htmlspecialchars()
- remove <pre></pre> from "HTML without HTML"

2006-06-27 2.23
- fixed PHP contents displayed as is in search module (thx suin)
- changed calling Text_Wiki with htmlspecialchars() (thx sunaoka)

2006-04-22 2.22
- fixed the compatibility among mod_rewrite and xoops comment (thx t_yamo)

2006-04-11 2.21
- added a feature of update wrapped contents for searching
- modified invalid xhtml in some templates (thx kimono)
- added mytplsadmin

2006-02-13 2.20
- updated mymenu (for the compatibility with XoopsCube 2.1)
- modified the compatibility between "rewrite mode" and "fastest cache hack"
- added portuguesebr language files (thx Izzy)

2005-11-14 2.19
- modified the compatibilities with PHP 5.0.5
- remove CRs in some php files

2005-8-27 2.18
- modified a compatibility with XOOPS 2.1/2.2
- updated myblocksadmin into 0.40
- modified Render/Xhtml/Code.php in PEAR Text_Wiki

2005-5-31 2.17
- modified common's SPAW can use with Windows server
- updated gtickets.php
- fixed preview breaks editing mode
- modified {X_SITEURL} in all of contents will be converted to XOOPS_URL
- fixed WRAP2&3's URI to top in page navigation
- modified common SPAW with myAlbum-P as attachment manager (2.17a)

2005-5-11 2.16
- added singlecontent.php for popup etc.
- added common html header into preferences
- fixed a bug in page navigation (thx kumakichi)
- updated common's SPAW into nobunobu version based on 1.0.7 (special thx nobunobu!)
- modified you can edit with WYSIWYG editor via Firefox

2005-5-02 2.15
- fixed XSS in common's SPAW (thx nobunobu!)

2005-4-20 2.14
- added submenu unit mode into page navigation

2005-4-19 2.13
- fixed heading in SPAW
- added assigning 'xoops_default_comment_title' for "Comment Anywhere"

2005-4-17 2.12
- modified "modules/less" mode can use xoops comments
- modified WRAP2 can use xoops comments

2005-4-16 2.11
- fixed "export" doesn't check if admin of the target module.
- added the rule page of PEAR::Text_Wiki
- updated PEAR::Text_Wiki into 1.0 stable

2005-4-13 2.10
- added a field for HTML headers (check $xoops_module_header in your theme.html)
- added a field for created date
- added "export" to other TinyDs
- added "saveas/clone" in content's editor
- fixed a typo in the interface to search module by suin
- fixed a bug with treating homepage

2005-3-4 2.07
- added INDEXes into sql/tinycontent*.sql
- modified the onupdate feature adding field of last_modified automatically
- modified saving last_modified in batch update
- added some samples -last modified or edit link- into tinycontent_index.html
- updated myblocksadmin 0.27 & mymenu 0.12
- modified english language files (thx Peter)

2005-2-22 2.06
- fixed notice with some httpd (thx karedokx)
- updated myblocksadmin 0.26 & mymenu 0.11

2005-2-19 2.05
- added a mode collaborate with "tell a friend" by GIJOE
- added a mode of "modules/less" experimentaly
- fixed some bad links in blocks admin (thx karedokx)
- modified can display bodies with "search module" by suin

2005-2-11 2.04
- fixed a bug comments is not usable with homepage (thx hodaka)
- added a mode without BB code into HTML and Text

2005-2-6 2.03
- modified preview works with firefox etc.
- added an assignment homepage_id
- updated myblocksadmin 0.25 & mymenu 0.10

2005-1-8 2.02
- updated myblocksadmin 0.23

2004-12-30 2.01
- added link to full view in content block with [summary][/summary]
- fixed a bug with specifying homepage (thx HODAKA)
- added blank directory rewrite/ for mod_rewrite (thx uishii)
- updated myblocksadmin 0.22 & mymenu 0.07

2004-12-7 2.00
- added ticket system for the security
- modified the values of block's options will be kept when module is updated (thx nobunobu)
- modified as DUPLICATABLE V2.1
- modified PEAR & spaw separated
- modified spaw can insert images from myAlbum-P's ImageManager Integration (thx nobunobu)
- many bugs fixed
- some security holes are fixed (special thx JM2!)

2004-7-7 1.5mh014
- fixed a bug about sanitize when magic_quotes_gpc is On (thx Ryuji)

2004-6-25 1.5mh013
- fixed a bug of redeclair rendering functions (thx Christoph)
- applied some php environment is not defined 'PATH_SEPARATOR' (thx toshimitsu)
- added sunday_Text_Wiki (commented out in default) (thx minahito!)

2004-6-18 1.5mh012
- added content block (this block is duplicatable !)
-- if you want to use template, rename tinycontent_content_block.html.dist to tinycontent_content_block.html and edit it.
- added class TinyDTextSanitizer extends MyTextSanitizer
- added tag [siteimg]
- added tag [summary][/summary] only text inside this tag will be displayed in content block
- added WRAP4 mode (replace attribute of 'src' or 'href')
- added "double space to space + & nbsp;" mode
- fixed typo in page navigation (thx HODAKA)
- fixed encoding problem with search (thx almhouse)
- added swedish language files (thx Leif Madsen)

2004-6-2 1.5mh011
- added a config can select block of tc_nav's target
- added a config whether it displays "printer friendly" icon or not
- added a config whether it displays "tell a friend" icon or not
- added page navigation
- updated mymenu

2004-5-6 1.5mh010
- fixed the trouble which occurs in languages other than English
- added temporary language files of danish, french, german, nederlands, spanish, tchinese (Better language files are appriciated.)

2004-4-27 1.5mh009
- Fixed enable to select spaw when making new content (2nd careless mistake)
- Modified changeable the editor for textarea in editing part

2004-4-25 1.5mh008
- fixed careless mistake in xoops_version.php (thx DonXoop)

2004-4-23 1.5mh007
- added mod_rewrite for each page wrapping
- added mod_rewrite for module entirely (SEO?)
- modified that relative link in wrapped html can be displayed in XOOPS automatically by using mod_rewrite (special thx to minahito!)
- added encoding translation in dislaying wrapped html
- added PEAR Wiki mode (special thx to minahito!)
- added PHP mode
- added preview
- added selectable switch to use or not to use SPAW according to the usage
- modified that the size of textarea can be changed
- united checkboxes into "enable comments". (not to use "disable comments")
- modified the action when "homepage" can't be displayed
- added field for timestamp. (you should "alter table" in list view)

2004-4-10 1.5mh006
- Base of page wrapping can be changed into the directory same as the page.
- Chanegd wrapped contents is searchable
- Templatized printing script
- Renamed .htaccess into .htaccess.dist for some environment.
-- (If you want more secure, rename it back as .htaccess manually)
- Changed even homepage is displayed in Submenu.
- Modification with "tell to a friend" in muti-byte environment.
- Changed to use SPAW instance in tinycontent/admin/spaw from every tinycontent*. (another tinycontent*/admin/spaw can be deleted.)
- Debugged with SPAW (eg. wrong virtual paths in dialogs)
- Changed as selectable SPAW's language from tinycontent's language files.
- Improved a variety of code and changed minor specifications.

2004-3-10 1.5mh005
- submenu's priority added (thx Tom_G3X)
- myblocksadmin updated into 0.05

2004-2-29 1.5mh004
- myblocksadmin updated
- modified to work fine under register_globals off
- .htaccess added

2004-2-26 1.5mh003
- Templates of each modules was separated. If you used customized template, rebuild template please. (spcial thx toshimitsu)
- A security hole of SPAW has fixed.
- Another some fixes

2004-2-23 1.5mh002
- Fixed typo in tc_navigation.php (thx toshimitsu)
- use eval() instead of function definition multiply (special thx minahito!)

2004-2-18 1.5mh001
- The first release version

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Category: Older versions ore     x22       php5
Download Now! Download Now! sitemap 1.29a Popular Version: 1.29a
Submitted Date:  2006/10/27

== sitemap ==

Automatically sitemapping module made by chanoir.

If you need the feature of google sitemaps, copy modules/sitemap/xml_google.php to your XOOPS root, and register XOOPS_URL/xml_google.php to google.


Thank you for using this chanoir's KIMAGURE module.

After installing this, edit messages in preferences
Use with your own risk.


All authors of plugins.
Another thanks to chiron.
Many more thanks to Ryuji

And my name is chanoir as a module developper, hence chatnoir as a theme developper.


++ PetitOOps ( ++



=PLUGIN in sitemap=

AMS: jseymour
articles: PsyDoc
bluesbb: StingBlue
catads: HMN
debaser: proshack
extcal: bonnaudet eric
formulaire: philou
myalbum-P: suin, GIJOE
mybbs: suin
mydownloads: Ryuji
mylinks: Ryuji
mymovie: t_sakurai
newbb: Ryuji
newbb2: D.J.
news: chanoir
pages: philou
pbboard: karedokx
piCal-0.6x: GIJOE
popnupblog: dashboard
sections: onego
smartfaq: HMN
smartsection: karedokx
soapbox: domifara
sora_typethree: morisoba
tutorials: HMN
utype_bbs: morisoba
weblinks: Ryuji
weblog: fugafuga
wfdownloads: HMN
wfsection: onego
wordbook: onego
wordpress: Ryuji
xcGallery: t_sakurai, karedokx
xfsection: onego
xoopsfaq: onego
xoopsheadline: GIJOE
xoopspoll: suin, bananas
xwords: onego
yybbs: suin

=PLUGIN in module's directory=

=PLUGIN in module's trusted directory=
bulletin 2.0



1.29 2006-10-01
- modified the action when xml_google.php is directly accessed 1.29
- added plugins
-- liaise (thx monsuke) 1.29a
-- debaser (thx proshack) 1.29a
- added languages
-- persian (thx voltan) 1.29a

1.28 2006-09-26
- modified compatibility with D3 module system.

1.27 2006-09-05
- modified compatibility with 2.0.15 ( xml_google fatal error
- modified compatibility with 2.0.14 ( xml_google with debug mode (thx DuGris)
- added plugins
-- formulaire (thx philou) 1.27a
-- pages (thx philou) 1.27a
- added and modified languages
-- catalan (thx yuji) 1.27b
-- portuguesebr (thx yuji) 1.27b
-- spanish (thx yuji) 1.27b

1.26 2006-07-17
- added plugin-system for D3 modules (eg. bulletin)
- updated language files
-- spanish (thx David)

1.25 2006-03-02
- modified the compatibility between xml_google.php and XOOPS 2.2.4
- modified the compatibility with PHP >= 4.4.1
- added a plugin
-- extcal (thx bonnaudet eric)

1.24 2005-12-18
- fixed a bug login block is always displayed by enabling sitemap block (thx okamoto)
- updated language files
-- french (thx marco)
-- portuguesebr (thx yuji)

1.23 2005-12-2
- fixed fatal errors in xml_google.php with some conditions (thx centurier)
- modified the module icon (thx Argon)
- modified language files
-- rename poski to polish (requested by Tomasz in Support Team)
- fixed plugins
-- myAds
-- sections

1.22 2005-11-14
- updated myblocksadmin and mymenu
- remove CRs in some php files
- added a language file
-- polish (thx kurak_bu)
- updated language files
-- tchinese (thx Sheng-Hung, Huang)
-- french (thx marco)

1.21 2005-09-04
- fixed configs are not reflected to the block (thx shige3)
- modified to use $sitemap_configs instead of $xoopsModuleConfig directly
- fixed some language constants (added language/blocks.php)

1.20 2005-09-03
- added sitemap_block
- modified main template

1.13 2005-07-19
- modified alltime-guest-mode (thx dasdan)

1.12 2005-06-20
- modified xml_google.php as root controller (copy it to XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/)
- added a plugin
-- pbboard (thx karedokx)

1.11 2005-06-15

- modified xml_google.php for Google sitemaps
- modified sitemap_index.html (thx flying.tux)
- update langage files
-- french (thx marco)

1.10 2005-06-12

- added xml_google.php for Google sitemaps

1.00 2005-04-14

- modified the structure of the directory for plugins

sitemap >= 1.26 supports D3 module natively.

eg. for bulletin 2.0, put under xoops_trust_path/modules/bulletin/include/


if( ! defined( 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH' ) ) exit ;

function b_sitemap_bulletin( $mydirname ) {
	$db =& Database::getInstance();

    $block = sitemap_get_categoires_map( $db->prefix( $mydirname.'_topics' ) , "topic_id", "topic_pid", "topic_title", 'index.php?storytopic=' , 'topic_title' );

	return $block;


Downloaded 37612 times  37612  File Size 60.84 KB  Supported Platforms tar.gz|zip|ore|php5|x22  Home Page
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Category: Older versions ore     x22       php5
Download Now! Download Now! TinyD 2.25 Popular Version: 2.25
Submitted Date:  2006/8/9
in englishin japaneseTinyD is a forked module based on Tiny Content made by chapi.

Tiny Content is simple and light content module.
Since I think that simpleness and lightness is the most important factor for content module, I love this module.

I want to clone this module but it is not so easy.
Thus, I experimented to make a module which can be easily cloned.
Though it has not understood whether this experiment succeeded yet, I distribute this funny hacked module.

I thanks to the author -Tobias Liegl (AKA CHAPI)-.


If you are new user of TinyD or TinyContent, upload modules/tinyd0 and install it. (It's quite normal way as a Module for Xoops)

If you want to use features of PEAR Wiki or SPAW editor, upload common/PEAR and common/spaw into your XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.

If you already a user of CHAPI's TinyContent, rename tinyd0 to tinycontent and overwrite tinycontent/. After this, update the module in module's admin.

If you already a user of TinyD, reneme tinyd0 to tinycontent* as you like.
Of course, updating module is necessary.

You can clone this module easily. only copy them.
And the rule of directory's name is quite simple.

This module judges its number by tale of directory's name.

modules/tinyd0 - treated as No.0 module of TinyD
modules/tinycontent1 - treated as No.1 moudle of TinyD
modules/c2 - treated as No.2 module of TinyD
modules/tinycontent - treated as unnumbered module of TinyD

The numbers of TinyD have to be unique.
Also, unnumbered module have to be unique.

You can install or upgrade TinyD as modules/tinycontent/ for compatibility of URI.

Moreover, this module demonstrates more abilities with mod_rewrite when you wrap many pages.
If you can use mod_rewrite, rename .htaccess.rewrite into .htaccess .


This project has already exceeded the experimentation phase and reached practical stage.
I modified almost files and has been changed far from original spec.
I recommend this hacked module with confidence.

After mh012, you can also duplicate blocks.
It is useful as replacement as custom blocks or summary of contents.

If you want to use this block as summary, use [summary][/summary] tag.
In content block, you can see inside of this tags on the other hand you can see whole of contents in main part.

And you also want to add a link for full view, copy templates/blocks/tinycontent_content_block.html.dist to templates/blocks/tinycontent_content_block.html and edit it as you like.


If you want to use SPAW integrated with myAlbum-P, set the path for
phtos/thumbnails like this:



2006-08-09 2.25
- fixed compatibility with Cube 2.1 (thx minahito)
- modified templates of tinycontent*_index.html (thx jidaikobo)

2006-07-14 2.24
- changed the spec of "Text without BB" from $myts to htmlspecialchars()
- remove <pre></pre> from "HTML without HTML"

2006-06-27 2.23
- fixed PHP contents displayed as is in search module (thx suin)
- changed calling Text_Wiki with htmlspecialchars() (thx sunaoka)

2006-04-22 2.22
- fixed the compatibility among mod_rewrite and xoops comment (thx t_yamo)

2006-04-11 2.21
- added a feature of update wrapped contents for searching
- modified invalid xhtml in some templates (thx kimono)
- added mytplsadmin

2006-02-13 2.20
- updated mymenu (for the compatibility with XoopsCube 2.1)
- modified the compatibility between "rewrite mode" and "fastest cache hack"
- added portuguesebr language files (thx Izzy)

2005-11-14 2.19
- modified the compatibilities with PHP 5.0.5
- remove CRs in some php files

2005-8-27 2.18
- modified a compatibility with XOOPS 2.1/2.2
- updated myblocksadmin into 0.40
- modified Render/Xhtml/Code.php in PEAR Text_Wiki

2005-5-31 2.17
- modified common's SPAW can use with Windows server
- updated gtickets.php
- fixed preview breaks editing mode
- modified {X_SITEURL} in all of contents will be converted to XOOPS_URL
- fixed WRAP2&3's URI to top in page navigation
- modified common SPAW with myAlbum-P as attachment manager (2.17a)

2005-5-11 2.16
- added singlecontent.php for popup etc.
- added common html header into preferences
- fixed a bug in page navigation (thx kumakichi)
- updated common's SPAW into nobunobu version based on 1.0.7 (special thx nobunobu!)
- modified you can edit with WYSIWYG editor via Firefox

2005-5-02 2.15
- fixed XSS in common's SPAW (thx nobunobu!)

2005-4-20 2.14
- added submenu unit mode into page navigation

2005-4-19 2.13
- fixed heading in SPAW
- added assigning 'xoops_default_comment_title' for "Comment Anywhere"

2005-4-17 2.12
- modified "modules/less" mode can use xoops comments
- modified WRAP2 can use xoops comments

2005-4-16 2.11
- fixed "export" doesn't check if admin of the target module.
- added the rule page of PEAR::Text_Wiki
- updated PEAR::Text_Wiki into 1.0 stable

2005-4-13 2.10
- added a field for HTML headers (check $xoops_module_header in your theme.html)
- added a field for created date
- added "export" to other TinyDs
- added "saveas/clone" in content's editor
- fixed a typo in the interface to search module by suin
- fixed a bug with treating homepage

2005-3-4 2.07
- added INDEXes into sql/tinycontent*.sql
- modified the onupdate feature adding field of last_modified automatically
- modified saving last_modified in batch update
- added some samples -last modified or edit link- into tinycontent_index.html
- updated myblocksadmin 0.27 & mymenu 0.12
- modified english language files (thx Peter)

2005-2-22 2.06
- fixed notice with some httpd (thx karedokx)
- updated myblocksadmin 0.26 & mymenu 0.11

2005-2-19 2.05
- added a mode collaborate with "tell a friend" by GIJOE
- added a mode of "modules/less" experimentaly
- fixed some bad links in blocks admin (thx karedokx)
- modified can display bodies with "search module" by suin

2005-2-11 2.04
- fixed a bug comments is not usable with homepage (thx hodaka)
- added a mode without BB code into HTML and Text

2005-2-6 2.03
- modified preview works with firefox etc.
- added an assignment homepage_id
- updated myblocksadmin 0.25 & mymenu 0.10

2005-1-8 2.02
- updated myblocksadmin 0.23

2004-12-30 2.01
- added link to full view in content block with [summary][/summary]
- fixed a bug with specifying homepage (thx HODAKA)
- added blank directory rewrite/ for mod_rewrite (thx uishii)
- updated myblocksadmin 0.22 & mymenu 0.07

2004-12-7 2.00
- added ticket system for the security
- modified the values of block's options will be kept when module is updated (thx nobunobu)
- modified as DUPLICATABLE V2.1
- modified PEAR & spaw separated
- modified spaw can insert images from myAlbum-P's ImageManager Integration (thx nobunobu)
- many bugs fixed
- some security holes are fixed (special thx JM2!)

2004-7-7 1.5mh014
- fixed a bug about sanitize when magic_quotes_gpc is On (thx Ryuji)

2004-6-25 1.5mh013
- fixed a bug of redeclair rendering functions (thx Christoph)
- applied some php environment is not defined 'PATH_SEPARATOR' (thx toshimitsu)
- added sunday_Text_Wiki (commented out in default) (thx minahito!)

2004-6-18 1.5mh012
- added content block (this block is duplicatable !)
-- if you want to use template, rename tinycontent_content_block.html.dist to tinycontent_content_block.html and edit it.
- added class TinyDTextSanitizer extends MyTextSanitizer
- added tag [siteimg]
- added tag [summary][/summary] only text inside this tag will be displayed in content block
- added WRAP4 mode (replace attribute of 'src' or 'href')
- added "double space to space + & nbsp;" mode
- fixed typo in page navigation (thx HODAKA)
- fixed encoding problem with search (thx almhouse)
- added swedish language files (thx Leif Madsen)

2004-6-2 1.5mh011
- added a config can select block of tc_nav's target
- added a config whether it displays "printer friendly" icon or not
- added a config whether it displays "tell a friend" icon or not
- added page navigation
- updated mymenu

2004-5-6 1.5mh010
- fixed the trouble which occurs in languages other than English
- added temporary language files of danish, french, german, nederlands, spanish, tchinese (Better language files are appriciated.)

2004-4-27 1.5mh009
- Fixed enable to select spaw when making new content (2nd careless mistake)
- Modified changeable the editor for textarea in editing part

2004-4-25 1.5mh008
- fixed careless mistake in xoops_version.php (thx DonXoop)

2004-4-23 1.5mh007
- added mod_rewrite for each page wrapping
- added mod_rewrite for module entirely (SEO?)
- modified that relative link in wrapped html can be displayed in XOOPS automatically by using mod_rewrite (special thx to minahito!)
- added encoding translation in dislaying wrapped html
- added PEAR Wiki mode (special thx to minahito!)
- added PHP mode
- added preview
- added selectable switch to use or not to use SPAW according to the usage
- modified that the size of textarea can be changed
- united checkboxes into "enable comments". (not to use "disable comments")
- modified the action when "homepage" can't be displayed
- added field for timestamp. (you should "alter table" in list view)

2004-4-10 1.5mh006
- Base of page wrapping can be changed into the directory same as the page.
- Chanegd wrapped contents is searchable
- Templatized printing script
- Renamed .htaccess into .htaccess.dist for some environment.
-- (If you want more secure, rename it back as .htaccess manually)
- Changed even homepage is displayed in Submenu.
- Modification with "tell to a friend" in muti-byte environment.
- Changed to use SPAW instance in tinycontent/admin/spaw from every tinycontent*. (another tinycontent*/admin/spaw can be deleted.)
- Debugged with SPAW (eg. wrong virtual paths in dialogs)
- Changed as selectable SPAW's language from tinycontent's language files.
- Improved a variety of code and changed minor specifications.

2004-3-10 1.5mh005
- submenu's priority added (thx Tom_G3X)
- myblocksadmin updated into 0.05

2004-2-29 1.5mh004
- myblocksadmin updated
- modified to work fine under register_globals off
- .htaccess added

2004-2-26 1.5mh003
- Templates of each modules was separated. If you used customized template, rebuild template please. (spcial thx toshimitsu)
- A security hole of SPAW has fixed.
- Another some fixes

2004-2-23 1.5mh002
- Fixed typo in tc_navigation.php (thx toshimitsu)
- use eval() instead of function definition multiply (special thx minahito!)

2004-2-18 1.5mh001
- The first release version

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Download Now! Download Now! xhnewbb 1.23 Popular Version: 1.23
Submitted Date:  2006/6/16
in englishin japanese

1.23 (2006/06/16)
- fixed a bug private posts are notified into unauthorized users (thx ayumi)

1.22 (2006/06/01)
- added show context for "xoops search"
- rewrote fully
- modified treating $queryarray for security 1.22a
- modified viewallforum.php displaying appropriate private topics 1.22b
- fixed typo about permission in viewforum.php 1.22b
- added language files 1.22c
-- tchinese (thx chia)
-- utf8_tw (thx chia)

1.21 (2006/05/24)
- rewrote search.php fully (templates are modified radically)
- modified private topics can be hit in xhnewbb/search.php
- modified performance of queries with private topics
- fixed a typo in viewtopic_*.html (thx jidaikobo) 1.21a

- added a kind of privileges between private forums and grous
- modified private topics can be hit in globa search (not yet xhnewbb/search.php)
- modified blocks displaying private forums's title (Don't enable block cache with such purposes)
- fixed typo in xhnewbb_main_block.html (thx chika3)

1.17 (2006/5/10)
- fixed typo in viewtopic.php for guest access (thx fabi) 1.17a
- added french language file (thx marco)
- changed error handling from redirect_header() to die()
- fixed small typos added as xhnewbb
- fixed newbb origined large and many bugs
-- a moderator can moderate any forums
-- anyone can post into any locked topics
-- anyone can read any posts in the private forums

1.16 (2006/3/11)
- fixed a language constant (thx marco)
- added ALTER TALBE on update if forum table was from newbb
- fixed missing "once" with including pagenav (thx hananoko) 1.16a

1.15 (2006/1/25)
- fixed the original bug in search.php
- added a feature of category limitation into all topic view
- added a feature of category limitation into the block
- fixed a bug in post preview
- modified some missing alt , title int <img>
- modified the feature of solved can be turned off
- modified the feature of marking can be turned off
- fixed the original bug anyone can see private forum in index.php
- modified the URI of links for posts in viewforum.php and viewallforum.php
- added configuration of page break number for viewallforum.php

1.14 (2006/01/05)
- added an option selecting title of each topics in block
- added one more the same block for editing templates
- added mytplsadmin
- updated mymenu and myblocksadmin
- fixed some doubtful codes
- added an option "allow img tag in body"(go to config of xhnewbb)
- added an option "allow img tag in signature"(go to config of xhnewbb)
- modified module's icon (thx argon)

1.13 (2005/08/27)

- fixed PHP_SELF XSS
- modified the compatibilities with XOOPS 2.2
- fixed some slight bugs

1.12 (2005/07/13)

- added "supporting" features
- added "marking topics"
- modified not to use cookie but to use DB for storing "already read" or not
- fixed many bugs origined from newbb

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Download Now! myblocksadmin 0.43 Popular Version: 0.43
Submitted Date:  2006/5/3
in englishin japanese- myblocksadmin -

This package is deprecated. you should use new mymenu and altsys


This files add blocks admin into your module.

- XOOPS 2.0.x
- Oreteki XOOPS
- XOOPS 2.1/2.2 (from
- XOOPS Cube 2.0.x (from


XOOPS's admin of blocks and groups will be hard to use,
when many modules is installed.
If each module has the block management screen for itself,
webmasters using XOOPS will feel it easy, I think.
I will recommend it to the module developers by all means.


1) copy 6 files of
into modules/(your module)/admin/
(this admin.php is compatible for mymenu)

2) copy 3 file of
gtickets.php (optional)
into modules/(your module)/include
(this gtickets.php is compatible for mymenu)

3) edit admin/menu.php and append a menu item like this:

$adminmenu[] = array( 'title' => _MI_SYSTEM_ADMENU2 ,
'link' => "admin/myblocksadmin.php" ) ;

4) If you want to add a feature keeping block's options when module is updated:

append this code into the tale of your xoops_version.php

// On Update
if( ! empty( $_POST['fct'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['op'] ) && $_POST['fct'] == 'modulesadmin' && $_POST['op'] == 'update_ok' && $_POST['dirname'] == $modversion['dirname'] ) {
	include dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/include/" ;

copy in this archive to modules/(your module)/include/
edit as you like.

5) If you want to modify a block cloneable, insert a line into xoops_version.php

$modversion['blocks'][(block_number)]['can_clone'] = true ;

That's all !


I do not insist on the right of these codes, and don't guarantee.


2006-05-03 0.43 updated gticket2
2006-02-10 0.42 modified cloning function as a module (thx nobunobu)
2005-11-13 0.41 modified the compatibility with PHP 5.0.5
modified some files from CR+LF into LF
2005-08-09 0.40 added supporting XOOPS 2.2 provisionally
2005-06-09 0.30 fixed 'area' of GTicket in myblocksadmin
2005-05-25 0.29 modified supporting nobunobu's SPAW based on 1.10RC
modified XoopsGTicket supports 'area' and 'referer'
fixed 'clone' action does not reflect content&c_type
2005-04-06 0.28 added SPAW mode for editing custom blocks (use TinyD's spaw)
2005-02-22 0.27 modified blocks is ordered by visible,side,weight (thx dclinf)
2005-02-21 0.26 modified some compatibilities against FireFox
2005-02-06 0.25 disabled checking IP
2005-01-13 0.24 modified ticket system (limit stubs max 10)
added blocks and groups admin for the other modules
added implementation about custom blocks -clone&edit&preview-
2005-01-08 0.23 fixed losing template of cloned blocks (thx domifara)
2004-12-30 0.22 modified using $_SERVER instead of $_ENV (thx Marijuana)
fixed bug with specifying cloneable block
2004-12-23 0.21 fixed compatibility with 2.0.9RC and PHP5 (thx domifara)
2004-12-22 0.20 cloning block supported
fixed for modules which has no blocks
added (special thx! nobunobu)
2004-12-16 0.12 eliminated unsed codes from for the security
2004-12-10 0.11 modified ticket system
2004-12-06 0.10 modified ticket system
2004-12-05 0.09 modified ticket system
2004-12-03 0.08 modified to use $_GET or $_POST instead of $HTTP_*_VARS (mari)
added admin_refcheck() for security (mari)
added ticket system for security (mari)
eliminated foreach() extraction from $_POST (mari)
fixed a place to include language files (thx marcan)
2004-07-19 0.07 modified redirection after edit into myblocksadmin
added a feature for modifying target modules & cachetime
2004-06-15 0.06 added a feature for modifying orders
added coloring like admin_r (thx Ryuji)
2004-03-09 0.05 modified all button's code of JavaScript
2004-02-29 0.04 security patch
2003-12-18 0.03 for XOOPS <= 2.0.3 patch
(gperm_handler->deleteByModule() has only 1 parameter)
2003-12-12 0.02 'module_read' and 'module_admin' to be able to change
2003-12-4 0.01 first release

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Download Now! Download Now! tplsadmin module 1.01 Popular Version: 1.01
Submitted Date:  2006/3/24
in englishin japanese- Templates Admin Module -

NOTE) Developping this module has ended. Try altsys instead.


A module should be replaced "template manager" in system module.

I've made this module for recovering the features should be gifted in original DB template system.

I recommend tplsadmin module to all xoopsers with confidence.


- No hacks needed
- Easy to see differences of templates wholely
- Show "diff" from default or file
- Easy to copy&delete from any DB-set/file to any DB-set
- Easy to find the name of the target template (HTML comment or div border)
- Easy to edit the template just click links named the template in front side
- Generate specifications for template's variables dynamically as Dreamweaver Extension
- You can preview the site just by edit the template files (mainfile patch needed)


Just install it.
You can operate templates with no documents.

- To know the name of the template
-- go to "Cache Hookings" in tplsadmin
-- push "Implant comments" or "Implant div tags"
-- go to and display public pages of your site
-- you can find the template name as a HTML comment or a link in bordered div

- To get specifications for template's variables of your site
-- go to "Cache Hookings" in tplsadmin
-- push "Implant logics to collect template variables"
-- go to front sides of your site
-- go to and display public pages of your site
-- you can find the number of specifications as "Template vars info files:"
-- if enough, "Get info of template variables as DreamWeaver Extensions"
-- don't forget pushing "Normalize compiled template caches" after outputting
-- extract zip or tar.gz
-- run Macromedia Extension Manager
-- execute the files named (module_name).mxi
-- install them
-- you can see assigned names of template-variables as Dreamweaver's Snippets
-- you can also see assigned data in the variables in right side of snippets

- To download template set
-- go to "Cache Hookings" in tplsadmin
-- select DB-template set you want
-- push zip or tar.gz

- To upload templates into DB-template set
-- create a zip/tar.gz archive including template files
-- all files in any paths can be recognized
-- go to "Cache Hookings" in tplsadmin
-- select DB-template set you want
-- specify the archive

- To use the feature of "Edit and Preview"
-- edit mainfile.php (insert a line just after common.php)

	if (!isset($xoopsOption['nocommon'])) {
		include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/common.php";
		include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/tplsadmin/include/" ;

-- go to admin -> system -> preferences -> general setting
-- turn "Update module template .html files ..." on
-- put template files in the path of /themes/(your_theme)/templates/
-- edit the template files in the path
-- you can preview your local site with new templates.


I do not insist on the right of these codes, and don't guarantee.

I use PEAR::Text/Diff.
The rights of this code is under license of PEAR, perhaps.
Special thanks to the author - Geoffrey T. Dairiki -.

I use PEAR::Archive/Zip.
The rights of this code is under license of PEAR, perhaps.
Special thanks to the author - Vincent Blavet -.


2006-03-24 1.01 modified comment/div implantation skips theme.html
2006-03-18 1.00 full model public release
added "auto update" templates from themes/(your_theme)/templates/
added downloading templates
added uploading/overwriting templates
added HTML-implantation for recognizing template names
added logic-implantation collecting template variables
added outputting templates variable infos as Dreamweaver Snippets
2005-02-03 0.20 updated module icon (thx argon)
fixed menu listing
modified the behavior on deleting DB templates
2005-12-30 0.13 added french language files (thx marco)
2005-12-22 0.12 modified some wrong documents
2005-12-22 0.11 fixed some typos
2005-12-21 0.10 the 1st implementation

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Download Now! Download Now! xhld 2.99 Popular Version: 2.99
Submitted Date:  2005/6/15
in englishin japanese
=== xhld ===

This is the most powerful and the latest headline module.

xhld is an almost fully scratched module although it is based on XoopsHeadline in core of XOOPS2.

If you are using xhld multiply and you want to update this module,
all instances of xhld should be updated.


- ATOM 0.3 ready!
- RSS 0.9/1.0/2.0 ready!
- free from allow_url_fopen (secure!)
- recent headlines view
- recent headlines block
- extracting with headline's title
- extracting with headline's link
- fetchable RSS/RDF even via some proxy servers
- Duplicatable V2.1
- dynamic timezone calculation (Although you turn module/block's cache on, any visitors can see the published times with their timezone)

You can clone this module easily. only copy them.
And the rule of directory's name is quite simple.

This module judges its number by tale of directory's name.

modules/xhld0 - treated as No.0 module of xhld
modules/xhld1 - treated as No.1 moudle of xhld
modules/h2 - treated as No.2 module of xhld
modules/test0003 - treated as No.3 module of xhld
modules/xoopsheadline - treated as unnumbered module of xhld

The numbers of xhld have to be unique.
Also, unnumbered module have to be unique.

This module does not work with the module "XoopsHeadline" so well because of a problem of the language constants.
If you want to use headline modules multiply, duplicate xhld.
After install this, you'd better to uninstall and remove "XoopsHeadline".

Or you can install xhld0 as xoopsheadline for compatibility of URI.


v.2.99 2005-6-15
- updated mymenu 0.14 & myblocksadmin 0.30
- fixed a problem of multiple <link> again

v.2.98 2005-6-3
- modified <dc:date> without timezones
- fixed a problem of multiple <link>

v.2.97 2005-5-27
- fixed only description fields should pass nl2br()
- updated myblocksadmin 0.29

v.2.96a 2005-4-23
- fixed a bug in xmlatomparser.php with PHP5 & ATOM (thx scaf)

v.2.96 2005-4-8
- fixed a bug in xmlrss2parser.php

v.2.95 2005-4-5
- modified XOBJ_DTYPE of headline_xml
- modified error handling when fetching or parsing errors occured

v.2.94 2005-3-30
- fixed some troubles when missing block's options
- modified compatibilities with XOOPS <=
- updated French (thx marco) (2.94a)

v.2.93 2005-3-16
- added wap mode (still experimantal stage)
- added a script updating XML-parsed-cache for cron (include/

v.2.92 2005-3-2
- updated myblocksadmin 0.27 & mymenu 0.12
- fixed a bug with magic_quotes_gpc environment (thx Ryuji)
- modified english language files (thx Peter)
- modified trimming XML before passing it to parser (2.92a)

v.2.91 2005-2-21
- fixed a compatibility with PHP5 (thx OXTS5 & Marichan)
- added French (thx marco)
- added PortugueseBr (thx Xbartts)
- added Russian (thx FractalizeR)

v.2.90 2005-2-11
- added exclude patterns
- modified IP check disabled with XoopsGTicket

v.2.84 2005-1-27
- fixed dirname 'xhld' can't work (thx mikity)

v.2.83 2005-1-15
- added a plugin for the sitemap module
- updated myblocksadmin 0.24 & mymenu 0.10

v.2.82 2005-1-8
- updated myblocksadmin 0.23

v.2.81 2005-1-5
- fixed missing ALTER TABLE in updating the module (thx jseymour)

v.2.80 2005-1-4
- modified the each headline block as duplicatable
- added feeds selecting option into the each headline block
- fixed a serious bug of saxparser.php (thx JM2)
- updated myblocksadmin 0.22 & mymenu 0.07

v.2.76 2004-12-21
- added tag handler <content:encoded>

v.2.75 2004-12-20
- modified fetching datetime routine with unknown timezone (thx Tom_G3X)

v.2.74 2004-12-16
- updated myblocksadmin (0.12) & mymenu (0.06)

v.2.73 2004-12-12
- modified allowing a blank string as the short DATE format (thx takahashi)

v.2.72 2004-12-10
- modified ticket system (thx nobunobu)
- updated myblocksadmin (0.11) & mymenu (0.05)

v.2.71 2004-12-7
- fixed ticket system

v.2.70 2004-12-6 (Don't forget updating the module)
- added a judgement whether timed-out or not
- modified that the old data won't be dropped when time-out or XML parse error occurred
- imported core files (saxparser.php&xmltaghandler.php) into this module
- fixed a bad code of saxparser.php for php5 compat (thx Marijuana)
- modified that some ISO-8859-1 characters displays correctly even if _CHARSET is not ISO-8859-1
- changed the setting of timeout from the module's config to each feeds
- added an option 'allow HTML' or not for protecting from XSS (thx JM2)
- added a ticket system for protecting from CSRF
- updated myblocksadmin (0.10) & mymenu (0.04)

v2.63 2004-12-4
- modified feeds admin (thx Tom_G3X)

v2.62 2004-12-3
- added utf8_decode for XOOPS working with ISO-8859-1
- added an option specifying max items per a feed
- updated myblocksadmin (0.08) & mymenu (0.02)

v2.61 2004-12-3
- fixed typo in local headlinerenderer.php (thx Tom_G3X)
- modified feeds admin (thx Tom_G3X)

v2.60 2004-12-2 (Don't forget updating the module)
- modified encoding selection & detection
- modified to be selectable aggregation methods from two
- modified feeds admin
- fixed error trapping

v2.53 2004-11-27
- modified sorting headlines without pubdate
- modified admin can specify the short format of datetime item was published
- modified the long format of datetime is same as _DATESTRING

v2.52 2004-11-25
- fixed a typo in xhld*_block.html (thx yokos)

v2.51 2004-11-21
- fixed double definition of parser class (thx yokos)
- modified template xhld_index.html as displaying the latest 10 descriptions (thx Tom_G3X)
- modified users can specify its syndications explicitly
- fixed some handlers about errors

v2.50 2004-11-18
- added a parser for ATOM 0.3 (special thx ohwada!)
- modified it stores parsed data instead of raw XML (much faster than older)
- modified some fields larger
- remade admin/index.php almost fully
- modified it uses textbox instead of select for feeds (minimum cache is 10min)
- fixed a lot of bugs origined from xoopsheadline

v2.40 2004-11-16
- fixed double defined form name "headline_form" (thx godfield)
- modified not to use a template blocks/headline_block.html
- fixed application to RSS without pubdate field (thx godfield & haroa)
- fixed a bug about updating RSS/RDF feeds in admin

v2.31 2004-11-10
- modified to convert the encoding from iso-8859-1 to utf-8 at updating cache
- added Spanish (thx MonDarSE)

v2.30 2004-10-28
- modified to use $_GET or $_POST instead of $HTTP_*_VARS (for PHP5)
- modified as Dupilcatable V2.1 - it allows unnumbered dirname -
- modified all RSS feed should be ordered by pubdate desc
- fixed insecure codings eg.extracting $_POST
- changed icons of the module

v2.25 2004-10-21
- modified compatibities against xoopsheadline

v2.24 2004-10-21
- fixed a bug in sorting all headlines (thx Ryuji)

v2.23 2004-10-4
- modified block's cache are cleared in editing or updating RSS/RDF records.
- modified XML's cache are cleared in editing or updating RSS/RDF records.
- added an option '10minutes' for XML cache

v2.22 2004-9-26
- added a feature getting RSS/RDF via proxy (thx domifara & Takao_O)
- modified headline_xml field from text to mediumtext (thx domifara)
- fixed the targets of all links to be "_blank". (thx Nu-nrg)

v2.21 2004-8-12
- fixed a typo in admin/index.php origined from xoopsheadline (thx doublebass)
- fixed the name of config's description (thx Tom_G3X)

v2.20 2004-8-12
- added a main view displaying all headlines ordered as newer is upper. (special thx Tom_G3X)
- added an option specifying snoopy's timeout.
- modified templates of xhld*_index.html and xhld*_feed.html. If you use custom templates, update them manually. (thx Tom_G3X)
- modified the values of block's options will be kept when module is updated (thx nobunobu)
- modified the parser of w3c format
- added mymenu

v2.11 2004-8-1
- fixed bug headline entries can't be deleted (thx Nu-nrg)
- modified function getting unixtime from dc:date(W3C) (thx Marijuana)
- added date/time into blocks as default m/d HH:MM
- modified using date_format of smarty. you can change format only editing the template.
- added JavaScript displays headline's time properly whenever the block cache is enabled (thx Dave Lerner)

v2.10 2004-7-20
- added a block ordered by timestamp desc from all headlines
- added a multiple-column option to normal headline block (thx Ryuji)
- added a option strlen limitation against title (thx Marijuana)

v2.01 2004-7-13
- modified to be able to work with "allow_url_fopen off" using snoopy. (thx hokousya & toshimitsu)

v2.00 2004-7-9
- 1st release

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Download Now! Download Now! myAlbum-P 2.84 Popular Version: 2.84
Submitted Date:  2004/10/4
in englishin japanese
This is just an older version.
Newer is here:

myAlbum-P is yet another photo album module for XOOPS2.
This module was made with a slogan "Easy to use for even the beginners".

Since myAlbum-P can be used with multi purpose, you can easily install this module multiply.

Especially, ImageManager integration is useful for almost XOOPS users.
This feature makes that almost XOOPS modules can treat auto-resized & auto-thumnails-made images by imagemanager.
Of course, auto-created thumnails are used in selecting images and in the artile body, though the thumnail in the article body has a link to the main bigger images.

In myAlbum-P 2.84, ImageManager Integration can treat non-image files. (Simplified Attachment Manager Integration)
This means that you can attach any type of files (PDF, Excel, Word ... yes!) into almost modules which have XoopsDhtmlTextarea.

"myAlbum-P is not a hacked module."
Although myAlbum-P started from a debugging version of daniel's myAlbum 1.1.3 historically,
codes of the recent version has very little relation to daniel's myAlbum.

Of course, I know myAlbum-P uses images from daniel's myAlbum.
This is the reason why I never eliminate daniel's name and URL from credit or footer.

I maintain myAlbum-P whose table's structures are fully compatible with myAlbum 1.1.3.
But I know that this limitation prevents myAlbum-P from better improvement too.

If I could, I'd like to make another photo album module fully independent with myAlbum.

myAlbum-P Features:
- High imtegration with XOOPS core.
- Duplicatable easily
- 4 methods -ImageMagic,NetPBM,GD2,GD- are usable to create thumnails.
- Support resize and rotate main image by 3 methods -IM,NP,GD2-
- Fully indepedent of register_globals
- Safe config system (not use cache)
- ImageManager Integration (also import & export)
- Simplified AttachmentManager Integration
- Batch register from files on the server
- Records and photos maintenance like redoing thumnails
- Detail permissioning each groups


2004-10-4 v2.84
- modified ImageManagerIntegration can treat non-image files (AttachmentManager)
- added an option which specifies the default listing order
- modified that img tags have not only alt but also title property
- added delete button on admin's admission (thx karuna)
- fixed a bug rendering options for categories (thx Tom_G3X)
- added italian language (thx NickeL)
- updated schinese language (thx phppp)

2004-7-31 v2.83
- added photo columns into each blocks (thx rocket98)
- fixed default templates not to display posting icon to non-priv-users (thx rocket98)
- fixed adding meta headers into submit.php called by IMI (thx phppp)
- fixed myalbum.textsanitizer to separated some codes into langs (thx phppp)
- modified non-image files can be shown in random block (thx okatti)
- updated myblocksadmin into 0.07
- updated schinese language (thx phppp)

2004-7-8 v2.82
- fixed a bug in listing categories (thx cradeg)

2004-7-5 v2.81
- fixed looping check routine (thx boufa)
- fixed treating with ghost categories (thx cradeg & boufa)
- eliminated some codes using buggy xoops_substr() (thx namhil & boufa)
- added mbstring routine for some environment (thx Marijuana)
- fixed some links not ended '/' (thx Marijuana)
- added some global permissions on intall (thx Marijuana)
- updated swedish language (thx Leif Madsen)

2004-6-25 v2.80
- remade the default design using crystal icons. (thx to all of icon authors)
- added class MyAlbumTextSanitizer extends MyTextSanitizer
- added tag [siteimg]
- added tag [summary][/summary] only text inside this tag will be displayed in summary view
- applied with Windows environment (If you want to use Windows Server with ImageMagick, try blank as the path of ImageMagick)
- added a mode ImageManager Integration outputs [siteimg] tags
- updated myblocksadmin & mymenu
- changed names of functions using prefix "myalbum_" (eg. applied the problem of redeclaring convertorderbyin() )
- fixed some SQL injection vulnerablities
- and many other slight bugs are patched

2004-5-25 v2.75b
- fixed import.php from myAlbum-P (thx okatti)

2004-5-22 v2.75a
- fixed a fatal bug which user's posts is cleared when he submit (thx sfdb).
-- 2.73 , 2.74 , 2.75 has this problem.

2004-5-21 v2.75
- fixed uid don't specified in order link (thx bordacs)
- modified icon gifs larger
- eliminate 'PHP_SELF'

2004-5-19 v2.74
- added middle size calculation in photo.php (thx ellecat)
- fixed wrong links in photo.php (thx sfdb, efla)
- fixed a bug in specifying date of last modified
- changed myalbum_slogo.gif using font 04b_03b (thx Herko & Y.Kishino)
- changed logo.gif like mydownloads (thx LARABIE FONTS)

2004-5-17 v2.73
- added batch update into photo manager (thx efla)
- added a drop-down box allowing him a direct access to any categories or/and sub-categories. (thx efla)
- fixed a bug category selection is not stored in preview. (thx Elleomea)
- fixed a bug of catview.php in table view (thx Snoopy)

2004-5-13 v2.72a modification about a compatibility with PHP Accelerator
- the order of templates is changed back to the same as 2.6
- modified category should be selected (thx sfdb)
- modified putting some space between 2 lines of thumbs in the table view (thx efla)
- modified "mymenu" can be also displayed in preferences

2004-5-7 v2.72 some modifications
- modified treating files other than images
- modified redo thumbnails
- modified preview

2004-5-7 v2.71 bug fixed
- fixed the problem which caps extensions treated as not image files

2004-5-5 v2.70 release
- added page navigation into recent list of top page
- added limitation of photos in block displaying
- added category's name ($photo.cat_title) into template myalbum*_photo_in_list.html
- added term for rotation of random image
- added import from imagemanager
- added export to imagemanager
- added a top menu for admin
- remade category's admin (renamed as index.php)
- allowed to upload another type of files (swf,avi etc.)
- For such implementations, I use the icons of filemanager 3.0
- thx to the author Jan Inge Pettersen(Xend)

2004-4-5 v2.70 beta 03
- use myuploader.php instead of class/uploader.php in XOOPS core.
(Security reason)
- added import from another myAlbum-P modules.
- navigation at bottom as well (thx mariuss)
- New language
- Nederlands (thx Jan Deeben)

2004-3-9 v2.70 beta 02
- fixed typo in xoops_version.php and
- fixed typo in templates for duplicated modules
- added links each categories view from submit or edit
- not only text but also photo is previewable (submit)
- myblocksadmin improved a little
- Updated swedish (thx Leif Madsen)

2004-3-4 v2.70 beta from 2.64
- modified as "Duplicatable Module"
- rename .htaccess into .htaccess.dist for some environment.
(If you want more secure, rename it into .htaccess manually)
- Updated spanish (thx ColdBeer)

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Category: Older versions          
Download Now! Download Now! AntiDoS-P 1.1 Popular Version: 1.11
Submitted Date:  2004/2/29
Developping of AntiDoS-P has finished.
This module has been succeeded as Xoops Protector


AntiDoS-P is a module for XOOPS2.

This module can possibly protects your XOOPS from continuously access (DoS attack).
In AntiDos-P 1.1 and later, this module also checks the atempting crack by injecting globals.
It must be useful for security of your site, even if the setting of register_globals is either On or Off.

Install this from module manager.
In group manager, turn the permissions on to all groups without admin.
Put 'AntiDoS block' on the top of left blocks from block manager.
Set 'AntiDoS block' visible in all pages.
Set yes SystemAdmin -> Preferences -> General Settings -> Enable IP bans

When DoS attack has come:

1) warn in 1st stage.
2) register bad IP of XOOPS core if the attack don't stop.
you see the bad IP in SystemAdmin -> Preferences ->
General Settings -> "Enter IP addresses that should be banned ...".

When attack by injecting globals has come:

1) There is nothing to output.
2) register bad IP of XOOPS core.
you see the bad IP in SystemAdmin -> Preferences ->
General Settings -> "Enter IP addresses that should be banned ...".

You can see and remove the baned IPs in your preferences.


- myblocksadmin updated to 0.04

- added a protection from injecting globals attack.
- added myblocksadmin
- turn 'Enable IP bans?' on when this module is newly installed.

- the 1st release

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