PEAK XOOPS - Xoops Language Checker in englishin japanese

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Download Now! Xoops Language Checker Popular Version: 2.20
Submitted Date:  2007/5/4
in englishin japanese

This is a Language file checker for Xoops.
This tool needs PHP-CLI. (/usr/local/bin/php)

You can manage some kind of language files for duplicatable modules.
If you are a module's developper and you want to make duplicatable modules, you shoud code the language files like this skelton:

(D1 and D2)

if( defined( 'FOR_XOOPS_LANG_CHECKER' ) || ! defined( '(YOUR MODULE)_MB_LOADED' ) ) {
	define( '(YOUR MODULE)_MD_LOADED' , 1 ) ;

	define( "_MD_..." , "..." ) ;
	define( "_MD_..." , "..." ) ;
	define( "_MD_..." , "..." ) ;

In version 2.1, D3 module can be managed.

(modinfo.php and blocks_each.php of D3)

if( defined( 'FOR_XOOPS_LANG_CHECKER' ) ) $mydirname = 'd3forum' ;
$constpref = '_MI_' . strtoupper( $mydirname ) ;

if( defined( 'FOR_XOOPS_LANG_CHECKER' ) || ! defined( $constpref.'_LOADED' ) ) {

	define( $constpref.'_LOADED' , 1 ) ;


Usage (Unix):

- Uncompress and extract it
- Set 3 files into executable path (like /usr/local/bin)
- chdir to module's root directory (XOOPS_ROOT_PATH./modules/.../)
- exec xoops_lang_check.php


$ xoops_lang_check.php --help
displaying usages

$ xoops_lang_check.php . english japanese
listing up constants which exist in english and don't exist in japanese.
(for localizer)

$ xoops_lang_check.php . japanese english
listing up constants which exist in japanese and don't exist in english.
(for module developper whose mother tongue is not english)

$ xoops_lang_check.php . english
listing up all language's constants which exist in english.
(for module developper who want to manage all language files)

$ xoops_lang_check.php
Same as upper sample. (1st operator's default is '.', 2nd operator's default is 'english')

$ xoops_lang_check.php --patch . english japanese
Patching the shortfall definitions into the japanese language files.
The criteria is english.
(for a little bit lazy localizer)

$ xoops_lang_check.php --patch
Patching the shortfall definitions into all of the language files.
The criteria is english.
(for scrupulous module developper who want to manage all language files)

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Comments list

GIJOE  Posted on 2004/10/6 5:26
hi kaper.

- really missed language english
-- the default base language is english.
---- try xoops_lang_check.php . german polish (If your base is german)

- wrong permission
kaper  Posted on 2004/10/3 22:07
I do:

cd .../modules/myalbum

and I get message "Can't open the language directory './language/english'.

What's the problem?
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