PEAK XOOPS - d3forum-0.85 in englishin japanese

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Download Now! Download Now! d3forum-0.85 Popular Version: 0.85
Submitted Date:  2009/1/19
in englishin japanese
============ D3FORUM ==============

The REAL Innovative and Basic forum module for XOOPS.
I -GIJOE- release this module with convidence though this module might be still buggy.

Enjoy D3 World!


(If necessary)
- install the latest altsys module (0.61 or upper)

- Copy all files into your XOOPS.
- Install it as usual D3 module. Of course, you can name the directory under modules/ freely.


GIJOE -basic designing and PHP coding-
jidaikobo -template coding-


0.85 beta (2009-01-19)
- removed extra trim() handling post_text at post and edit
- fixed compatibilities among autolink and the end of quotation tag
- fixed D3commentAbstract triggers empty 'comment' events (thx spaceship)
- added an option the order of comments
- modified comment integration class can override can_vote etc.
- modifeid templates easy to use
- updated language files
-- persian (thx stranger)
-- portuguesebr (thx leco1)

0.84 beta (2008-08-18)
- fixed the post_id is passed for onUpdate() in comment-integration (thx toychee)
- fixed a notice in output RSS
- modified some exit()s to redirect_header()s (thx dekki)
- modified comment-integration can notify new 'comment' from X2 (thx naao)
- fixed external_link_id without external_link_fmt would be blank
- added total topics/counts as redundant information for categories (thx suin)
- modified default subject in the notifications
- modified the history controller for admin
- modified xoops_version for XCL2.1 friendly
- modified d3forum.textsanitizer XCL2.1 preload friendly

0.83 beta (2008-05-19)
- added smarty plugin function.d3comment.php (don't forget copy it)
- modified comment-integration the CLASS has a larger privileges
- fixed small bugs
- fixed legacy comment-integration cause fatal error (thx DJ_okamOTO) 0.83a

0.82 beta (2008-02-24)
- added import from cbb (not implemented - permissions, votes) (thx MrTheme)
- fixed invalid html in some templates (thx hi-debow)
- modified [1] won't be converted as a link automatically
- updated language files
-- persian (thx stranger)
- added language files
-- spanish (thx debianus)
-- german (thx wuddels) 0.82a

0.81 beta (2007-11-16)
- modified post form reflects "Always attach my signature" of user data
- modified new posts will be checked by "censor string"
- fixed cutandpaste loses external_link_id
- added RSS outputs

0.80 beta (2007-10-11)
- fixed Script Insertion in guest_url (thx kentaro)
- updated language files
-- french (thx gigamaster)
- added language files
-- fr_utf8 (thx gigamaster)
- modified [ siteimg] is displayed as internal image (thx ask35) 0.80a
- fixed {TOPIC_TITLE} is not assigned (thx ask35) 0.80a

0.78 alpha (2007-09-28) update this module
- added a configuration of default_options
- changed default meaning of solved (solved=0 must mean unsolved)
- added a batch action "turn all topics as solved" into category manager
- added solved controller into listtopics_over_categories
- added marking controller into listtopics_over_categories
- fixed a wrong behavior of a checkbox for appoval
- fixed a wrong error of "empty message" with a WYSIWYG editor
- modified mysql.sql removing "NOT NULL" from text fields (thx moegiiro) 0.78a
- fixed typo of method name in textsanitizer (thx enhiro) 0.78a
- fixed typo in some templates (thx enhiro) 0.78b

0.77 alpha (2007-09-27)
- modified posts allowing HTML must be filtered by HTMLPurifier
- added WYSIWYG editor (common/fckxoops)
- modified the target for redirectiion after posting by quick form

0.76 alpha (2007-09-26) update this module
- added post's histories feature
- modified templates of menu
- fixed quick form with anti-spam (thx Ron)
- added language files
-- portuguese (thx Mikhail)
-- pt_utf8 (thx Mikhail)
-- portuguesebr (thx X-TRAD team)

0.75 alpha (2007-08-22)
- added quick post form into viewpost
- added quick post form into listposts
- modified a comment from quick form will be a member of existing topics
- modified D3comment class adding methods like getPostsCount()

0.74 alpha (2007-08-11)
- fixed wrong " escaping in [ code] block with XCL2.1 (thx sippu)
- added an option selecting forum into blocks
- added a sorting option "average"
- modified listtopics templates for some sites without voting feature
- added an input form for topic_external_link_id ihnto topicmanager
- modified forum/category form about overriding option
- updated language files
-- persian (thx voltan)

0.73 alpha (2007-06-05)
- modified AntiSPAM class japanese
- modified some templates
- changed some specs of comment integration class
- added smarty's plugin function.d3forum_comment_postscount.php
- added language files
-- polish (thx kurak_bu)
-- ja_utf8 (formerly japaneseutf) 0.73a

0.72 alpha (2007-05-27)
- modified templates by jidaikobo

0.71 alpha (2007-05-21)
- modified templates by jidaikobo
- fixed comment's form does not have antiSpam elements
- fixed escaping subject on d3comment integration
- added an antiSPAM class
-- japanese (only for Japanese. input reading of kanji) 0.71a
- fixed typo in comment_functions.php (thx fanrun7) 0.71b

0.70 alpha (2007-05-18)
- changed the structure "altsys essential"
- added language constants override system (with altsys>=0.5)
- templatized mymenu (with altsys>=0.5)
- changed a post without body will be refused
- modified checking bbcode (number of quote) of post's body
- modified d3comment will redirect to target of the comment after posting
- added external_link_id validation system into class of d3comment
- modfied the field of external_link_id from integer to varchar
- templated index.css
- added callback system into d3comment class
- added a plugin for waiting module
- modified d3comment can be selected its view from thread or flat
- added guest's deletion
- added antiSPAM system
- added an antiSPAM class
-- default (using JavaScript)

0.60 (2007-05-14)
- 1st release as beta
- fixed export topic/forum into the other d3forum
- fixed sync topic
- updated D3 system
- added language files
-- japaneseutf
- fixed incompatibility with XC Legacy 2.1 (0.60a)

- updated D3 system

- fixed xoops_breadcrumbs
- fixed a config of posts_per_topic
- fixed child link in listposts

- added hierarchical submenu

- added topic move/copy into the other d3forum in topicmanager
- added forum move/copy into the other d3forum in forummanager

- fixed a bug in sync (thx nao-pon)
- added xoops_breadcrumbs
- added language files
-- french (thx gigamaster)

- fixed minor bugs (thx Konstantine)
- modified some templates
- added language files
-- persian (thx voltan)
-- russian (thx Konstantine)

- merged the latest templates from jidaikobo

- implement native comment-integration

- merged jidaikobo's templates and images
- language fixes

- update the module!
- some fixes, new smarty plugin counting comments

How to use "comment-integration"

== for conventional modules ==

1. copy a plugin function.d3forum_comment of the archive into XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/class/smarty/plugins/
2. make a new forum for integration under appropriate category.
3. import from xoopscomments of a module into the forum.
4. edit template like this.


<div style="text-align: center; padding: 3px; margin:3px;">

<div style="margin:3px; padding: 3px;">
<!-- start comments loop -->
<{if $comment_mode == "flat"}>
  <{include file="db:system_comments_flat.html"}>
<{elseif $comment_mode == "thread"}>
  <{include file="db:system_comments_thread.html"}>
<{elseif $comment_mode == "nest"}>
  <{include file="db:system_comments_nest.html"}>
<!-- end comments loop -->


<{d3forum_comment dirname=d3forum forum_id=(number) itemname="id" subject=$title}>


<{d3forum_comment dirname=d3forum forum_id=(number) itemname="lid" subject=$file.title|regex_replace:"/&nbsp;.*/":""}>


<{d3forum_comment_topicscount dirname=d3forum forum_id=(number) link_id=$}>


<{d3forum_comment dirname=d3forum forum_id=(number) itemname="lid" subject=$photo.title}>

<{d3forum_comment_topicscount dirname=d3forum forum_id=(number) link_id=$photo.lid}>


<{d3forum_comment_topicscount dirname=d3forum forum_id=(number) link_id=$photo.lid}>

use native module "bulletinHD" instead.


<{d3forum_comment dirname=d3forum forum_id=(number) itemname="poll_id" subject=$poll.question}>


<{d3forum_comment dirname=d3forum forum_id=(number) itemname="id" subject=$xoops_pagetitle}>

use native module "xpWiki" instead.

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Comments list

handyman  Posted on 2013/4/3 12:41
What is the system requirement of that?
leco1  Posted on 2010/3/29 6:42 | Last modified
I installed the xoopspoll in and added the comments in d3forum.

See how focused the template xoopspoll_results.html

<div style='text-align: center; margin: 3px;'> <table width="60%" class="outer" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <th colspan="2"><{$poll.question}></th> </tr> <tr> <td class="odd" align="left" colspan="2"> <{$poll.description}> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="head" align="right" colspan="2"> <{$poll.end_text}> </td> </tr> <{foreach item=option from=$poll.options}> <tr> <td class="even" width="30%" align="left"> <{$option.text}> </td> <td class="odd" width="70%" align="left"> <{$option.image}> <{$option.percent}> </td> </tr> <{/foreach}> <tr> <td class="foot" colspan="2" align="center"> <{$poll.totalVotes}> | <{$poll.totalVoters}><br /><{$}> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br /> <{d3forum_comment dirname=d3forum forum_id=14 itemname="poll_id" subject=$poll.question}>

Please see working in this links:

Make your site registration and test the comments

Thanks Gijoe and nobu to the tips
mosluce  Posted on 2009/1/7 14:06
I want to use print friendly page in d3forum.
Anyway could I do?
GIJOE  Posted on 2008/8/31 4:09
hi Sina.

Your language files have no problems.
I've copied them into my working directory.

It will be included in the next minor update (d3forum-0.85).

I'm sorry that your language files should be included in 0.84
stranger  Posted on 2008/7/27 21:54
I recently made an update to the translation of d3forum for Persians.

You can download it from here.

Thank you for the great work!

Sina (aka stranger).
GIJOE  Posted on 2008/2/8 5:43
hi Stranger.

Thank you for sending language files.
It looks perfect! (no error)

I've just added it into my repository.

See you!
stranger  Posted on 2008/2/2 23:08 | Last modified
Hi GIJOE, I've updated Persian language files, there were too many mistakes in it and was not updated since 0.74...
You can get the files by clicking here
GIJOE  Posted on 2007/12/13 6:20




今年のエイプリルフールネタとか、DB theme とかはまさにその方向をめざしてます。
hi-debow  Posted on 2007/12/1 10:05

th にはもう一段階濃い色が設定されているのですが、濃い色を使うために、thタグを使うっていうのは順番が逆だろう。



GIJOE  Posted on 2007/12/1 6:36



hi-debow wrotes:

そこで先日よりd3forumモジュールのテンプレートをnewbbやxhnewbbのように、標準で用意されているテーマ内のスタイルシートを利用してそのデザインを反映させるべく<th>や、class類のhead odd even footを利用するようにカスタマイズしています。
head, odd, even, foot では、どうしても色数が足りない。
defaultだと th にはもう一段階濃い色が設定されているのですが、濃い色を使うために、thタグを使うっていうのは順番が逆だろう。


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