PEAK XOOPS - AntiDoS-P 1.1 in englishin japanese

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Download Now! Download Now! AntiDoS-P 1.1 Popular Version: 1.11
Submitted Date:  2004/2/29
Developping of AntiDoS-P has finished.
This module has been succeeded as Xoops Protector


AntiDoS-P is a module for XOOPS2.

This module can possibly protects your XOOPS from continuously access (DoS attack).
In AntiDos-P 1.1 and later, this module also checks the atempting crack by injecting globals.
It must be useful for security of your site, even if the setting of register_globals is either On or Off.

Install this from module manager.
In group manager, turn the permissions on to all groups without admin.
Put 'AntiDoS block' on the top of left blocks from block manager.
Set 'AntiDoS block' visible in all pages.
Set yes SystemAdmin -> Preferences -> General Settings -> Enable IP bans

When DoS attack has come:

1) warn in 1st stage.
2) register bad IP of XOOPS core if the attack don't stop.
you see the bad IP in SystemAdmin -> Preferences ->
General Settings -> "Enter IP addresses that should be banned ...".

When attack by injecting globals has come:

1) There is nothing to output.
2) register bad IP of XOOPS core.
you see the bad IP in SystemAdmin -> Preferences ->
General Settings -> "Enter IP addresses that should be banned ...".

You can see and remove the baned IPs in your preferences.


- myblocksadmin updated to 0.04

- added a protection from injecting globals attack.
- added myblocksadmin
- turn 'Enable IP bans?' on when this module is newly installed.

- the 1st release

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