PEAK XOOPS - sitemap 1.29a in englishin japanese

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Download Now! Download Now! sitemap 1.29a Popular Version: 1.29a
Submitted Date:  2006/10/27

== sitemap ==

Automatically sitemapping module made by chanoir.

If you need the feature of google sitemaps, copy modules/sitemap/xml_google.php to your XOOPS root, and register XOOPS_URL/xml_google.php to google.


Thank you for using this chanoir's KIMAGURE module.

After installing this, edit messages in preferences
Use with your own risk.


All authors of plugins.
Another thanks to chiron.
Many more thanks to Ryuji

And my name is chanoir as a module developper, hence chatnoir as a theme developper.


++ PetitOOps ( ++



=PLUGIN in sitemap=

AMS: jseymour
articles: PsyDoc
bluesbb: StingBlue
catads: HMN
debaser: proshack
extcal: bonnaudet eric
formulaire: philou
myalbum-P: suin, GIJOE
mybbs: suin
mydownloads: Ryuji
mylinks: Ryuji
mymovie: t_sakurai
newbb: Ryuji
newbb2: D.J.
news: chanoir
pages: philou
pbboard: karedokx
piCal-0.6x: GIJOE
popnupblog: dashboard
sections: onego
smartfaq: HMN
smartsection: karedokx
soapbox: domifara
sora_typethree: morisoba
tutorials: HMN
utype_bbs: morisoba
weblinks: Ryuji
weblog: fugafuga
wfdownloads: HMN
wfsection: onego
wordbook: onego
wordpress: Ryuji
xcGallery: t_sakurai, karedokx
xfsection: onego
xoopsfaq: onego
xoopsheadline: GIJOE
xoopspoll: suin, bananas
xwords: onego
yybbs: suin

=PLUGIN in module's directory=

=PLUGIN in module's trusted directory=
bulletin 2.0



1.29 2006-10-01
- modified the action when xml_google.php is directly accessed 1.29
- added plugins
-- liaise (thx monsuke) 1.29a
-- debaser (thx proshack) 1.29a
- added languages
-- persian (thx voltan) 1.29a

1.28 2006-09-26
- modified compatibility with D3 module system.

1.27 2006-09-05
- modified compatibility with 2.0.15 ( xml_google fatal error
- modified compatibility with 2.0.14 ( xml_google with debug mode (thx DuGris)
- added plugins
-- formulaire (thx philou) 1.27a
-- pages (thx philou) 1.27a
- added and modified languages
-- catalan (thx yuji) 1.27b
-- portuguesebr (thx yuji) 1.27b
-- spanish (thx yuji) 1.27b

1.26 2006-07-17
- added plugin-system for D3 modules (eg. bulletin)
- updated language files
-- spanish (thx David)

1.25 2006-03-02
- modified the compatibility between xml_google.php and XOOPS 2.2.4
- modified the compatibility with PHP >= 4.4.1
- added a plugin
-- extcal (thx bonnaudet eric)

1.24 2005-12-18
- fixed a bug login block is always displayed by enabling sitemap block (thx okamoto)
- updated language files
-- french (thx marco)
-- portuguesebr (thx yuji)

1.23 2005-12-2
- fixed fatal errors in xml_google.php with some conditions (thx centurier)
- modified the module icon (thx Argon)
- modified language files
-- rename poski to polish (requested by Tomasz in Support Team)
- fixed plugins
-- myAds
-- sections

1.22 2005-11-14
- updated myblocksadmin and mymenu
- remove CRs in some php files
- added a language file
-- polish (thx kurak_bu)
- updated language files
-- tchinese (thx Sheng-Hung, Huang)
-- french (thx marco)

1.21 2005-09-04
- fixed configs are not reflected to the block (thx shige3)
- modified to use $sitemap_configs instead of $xoopsModuleConfig directly
- fixed some language constants (added language/blocks.php)

1.20 2005-09-03
- added sitemap_block
- modified main template

1.13 2005-07-19
- modified alltime-guest-mode (thx dasdan)

1.12 2005-06-20
- modified xml_google.php as root controller (copy it to XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/)
- added a plugin
-- pbboard (thx karedokx)

1.11 2005-06-15

- modified xml_google.php for Google sitemaps
- modified sitemap_index.html (thx flying.tux)
- update langage files
-- french (thx marco)

1.10 2005-06-12

- added xml_google.php for Google sitemaps

1.00 2005-04-14

- modified the structure of the directory for plugins

sitemap >= 1.26 supports D3 module natively.

eg. for bulletin 2.0, put under xoops_trust_path/modules/bulletin/include/


if( ! defined( 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH' ) ) exit ;

function b_sitemap_bulletin( $mydirname ) {
	$db =& Database::getInstance();

    $block = sitemap_get_categoires_map( $db->prefix( $mydirname.'_topics' ) , "topic_id", "topic_pid", "topic_title", 'index.php?storytopic=' , 'topic_title' );

	return $block;


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Comments list

irmtfan  Posted on 2006/10/27 6:42
- modified the action when xml_google.php is directly accessed 1.29
many thanks for this!
GIJOE  Posted on 2006/10/6 6:20
Read the outputs by your browser.
You can find the reason immediately.
bikeman  Posted on 2006/10/1 22:43
why does Google say - Unsupported file format
Your Sitemap does not appear to be in a supported format. Please ensure it meets our Sitemap guidelines and resubmit.
cosmodrum  Posted on 2006/2/27 10:41 | Last modified
Please check our sitemap.
xoops 2.24 sitemap0 1.24
and most urls are not complete

GIJOE  Posted on 2006/1/10 5:23 | Last modified
Another LF exists in your some php files.(language files etc.)
Check it by turning PHP debug on.
stelian  Posted on 2006/1/7 10:05 | Last modified
Hi all.

When i point my browser to i receive a yello page and this message
XML Parsing Error: xml declaration not at start of external entity
Line Number 2, Column 1:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I'm using XOOPS Is it OK? Is it safe? This is the first time when i installed this module. Can i rename the xml_google.php file?

Thanks in advance,
GIJOE  Posted on 2005/11/15 3:43


okuhiki  Posted on 2005/11/14 8:24
sitemap 1.22 plugin
myAds.php Line 9 , sections.php Line 14
akonan  Posted on 2005/10/3 13:43
I mean that now I get only the Categories not articles etc. I want it to include everything.
pingu-man  Posted on 2005/10/2 18:06
Hallo akonan,
Put your the xml_google.php file to your xoops root directory.
Good luck
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