PEAK XOOPS - screenshot_french_ics in englishin japanese

What is myAlbum-P?
myAlbum-P is yet another photo album module for XOOPS2.
This module was made with a slogan "Easy to use for even the beginners".
I polished and raised the basic feature requested to the photo album module.
And now, this module has high integration with XOOPS core at last.
myAlbum-P is not a hacked module.
Although myAlbum-P started from debugging version of daniel's myAlbum historically, the recent version has very little relation to daniel's myAlbum.
You can download the latest version of myAlbum-P from download page

Main : ScreenShots :  screenshot_french_ics

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SubmitterLudoMore Photos from Ludo   Last Update2004/2/1 1:49    Tell a friendTell a friend
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In the french version of pical, the traduction is wrong, you must have "Ne peut pas extraire" instead of "peut extraire" to turn on correctly the permission of outputting ics files.

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yerac  Posted on 2004/2/25 5:51
Surement une petite inversion dans la traduction. Il faudra le corriger dans la prochaine traduction.

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