PEAK XOOPS - autologin doesnt work for me :( in englishin japanese

autologin doesnt work for me :(

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2004/3/9 22:14
insane  企霹始   Posts: 2
Hi everyone, nice site u got here

Heres the problem I dloaded auto login hack for xopps 2.0.5 i replaced all the files and it just doeasnt work for me, it wont remember me, i have to login on each visit. I dont get any error msgs it just doesnt work i dont know y. Can anyone help please ??
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2004/3/10 19:56
insane  企霹始   Posts: 2
is anyone able to help me, am i doint anything wrong ??
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/3/19 7:21
GIJOE  黎扦烦菱   Posts: 4110
hi insane.

Did you update system module?

First of all, "remember me" checkbox should be displayed.

Or, you can't log automatically in even this site?
If so, you should set your browser "allow cookies".
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/3/22 7:07
HYPHKNIFE  企霹始 From: USA  Posts: 2

Unfortunately I am experiencing a simular problem with the "Autologin." I added all the nessesary files to my XOOPS 2.0.6. site and my "remember me" box does not appear nor can I stay logged into my site. However, your box does appear and I can stay logged in. (cookies are enabled)
But I have noticed:

GIJOE wrote:

Did you update system module?

Forgive me for my stupidity but when you refer to updating it, do you mean a certain option on the system icon or doing it manually within the site? Thanks for reading
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2004/3/22 8:16
HYPHKNIFE  企霹始 From: USA  Posts: 2
Hello GIJOE,

Please disreguard my last message. Reason why, IT WORKS! All I did was update the template to the default, then go back to the original one I was using and the "remember me" block and auto login works. I also updated the system module through modules (duh for me.) Thank you GIJOE for your hack. It works great with the 2.0.6. version on XOOPS :)
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