PEAK XOOPS - Time Zone problem in englishin japanese

Time Zone problem

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2005/8/27 5:05
melcahoon  二等兵   Posts: 2
Hi! We are using PiCal and like it very much. However, we see a problem. We use it in the USA and in Japan. If someone in the USA posts a calendar even for, say, Sept 20-22, and then a Japanese user logs in Japan, it appears that the event is scheduled for Sept. 19-21. Is there a way to display the USA time rather than the Japanese time? It is misleading.

I double-checked and may have found the "issue": the calendar's display seems to depend on "Xoops Portal / Profile / Time Zone".

Set "Time Zone" to "GMT-7 Mountain Time" in Japan and the calendar is displayed correctly.

If we say "Calendar = events in USA", would it be possible to enforce the Mountain Time on that page, independently of the user's preferences?

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/8/28 18:40
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
hi melcahoon.

Hi! We are using PiCal and like it very much. However, we see a problem. We use it in the USA and in Japan. If someone in the USA posts a calendar even for, say, Sept 20-22, and then a Japanese user logs in Japan, it appears that the event is scheduled for Sept. 19-21. Is there a way to display the USA time rather than the Japanese time? It is misleading.

If the events don't have a concept of TIME, check allday.
All day events will not be calculated their timezones.

If you want to register events in Japanese timezone, you can specify the timezone of the event in editing form.
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2006/1/8 14:12
pkpdjh  二等兵   Posts: 2
I figured out the time zone issue, however, it would really be nice to have an option to remove the timezone feature altogether. It creates confusion for people who are new users trying to post events. I have some major computer age newbies using piCal so this would be a huge help.

In the meantime, thanks for a great module which I use on virtually every Xoops site I have.

Dave ...
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