PEAK XOOPS - MiniCalendar problem underlined days in englishin japanese

MiniCalendar problem underlined days

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/1/26 3:47
gojoe_gojoe  企霹始   Posts: 2
I have version piCal-0.60 and on the MiniCalendar and there are days that are underlined that have no event. I edited the pical_vars.phtml so there is only year 2005 dates. I imported an iCalendar for holiday events. What makes certain days underline in the MiniCalendar when there is no event for that day? Is there another file I am missing or code that is offset wrong?

My dates look like this
$this->holidays = array(    
Votes:11 Average:9.09
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/3/9 20:20
Acidgod  企霹始   Posts: 3
My Answer is coming very late but when you have make a "Allday Event" it Shows the Day bevor the Event with a Underline. )o:

Have anyone a solution for the "Bug"?
Votes:9 Average:8.89

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