hi irmtfan.
i have a problem
if a user in my site check the "remember me" and after that go to site it always change the theme to "default theme" but i use xt temas at my site and it keep the own users themes.
every thing is ok with uncheck the "remember me" option
any idea/solution for this?
I've just fixed it.
line 213 of include/common.php
// autologin hack GIJ
if(empty($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['xoopsUserId']) && isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['autologin_uname']) && isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['autologin_pass'])) {
// redirect to XOOPS_URL/ when query string exists (anti-CSRF)
if( ! empty( $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'] ) ) {
redirect_header( XOOPS_URL . '/' , 0 , 'Now, logging in automatically' ) ;
exit ;
$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
$uname = $myts->stripSlashesGPC($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['autologin_uname']);
$pass = $myts->stripSlashesGPC($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['autologin_pass']);
$user =& $member_handler->loginUserMd5(addslashes($uname), addslashes($pass));
$xoops_cookie_path = defined('XOOPS_COOKIE_PATH') ? XOOPS_COOKIE_PATH : preg_replace( '?http://[^/]+(/.*)$?' , "$1" , XOOPS_URL ) ;
if( $xoops_cookie_path == XOOPS_URL ) $xoops_cookie_path = '/' ;
if (false != $user && $user->getVar('level') > 0) {
// update time of last login
$user->setVar('last_login', time());
if (!$member_handler->insertUser($user, true)) {
//$HTTP_SESSION_VARS = array();
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['xoopsUserId'] = $user->getVar('uid');
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['xoopsUserGroups'] = $user->getGroups();
// begin newly added in 2004-11-30
$user_theme = $user->getVar('theme');
if (in_array($user_theme, $xoopsConfig['theme_set_allowed'])) {
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['xoopsUserTheme'] = $user_theme;
// end newly added in 2004-11-30
// update autologin cookies
$expire = time() + ( defined('XOOPS_AUTOLOGIN_LIFETIME') ? XOOPS_AUTOLOGIN_LIFETIME : 604800 ) ; // 1 week default
setcookie('autologin_uname', $uname, $expire, $xoops_cookie_path, '', 0);
setcookie('autologin_pass', $pass, $expire, $xoops_cookie_path, '', 0);
} else {
setcookie('autologin_uname', '', time() - 3600, $xoops_cookie_path, '', 0);
setcookie('autologin_pass', '', time() - 3600, $xoops_cookie_path, '', 0);
// end of autologin hack GIJ
also i want to know if you release this great hack for xoops2.0.9 beta? or wait for a RC version?
I'm too busy to try XOOPS-2.0.9beta.
When 2.0.9RC or stable is release, I'll make the patches.