PEAK XOOPS - Re: A powerful installer for web applications in englishin japanese

Re: A powerful installer for web applications

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Subject CGIを使った強力なWebアプリケーションインストーラ
Summary ●アプリケーションインストーラの原理等前の記事でも書いたのですが、rsync+sshやsshログインが出来ない環境で、大量のファイルを展開するWebアプリケーションのセットアップは、かなり辛いものがあります。FTPでアップロードするのにもとても時間がかかり、途中で切れる...
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2008/10/11 20:42
wikeyIMS  二等兵   Posts: 3
Very nice! Now you can create your special flavoured CMS Installer!

Thanks a lot for GIJOE being a really generous part of the XOOPS Community!
Votes:14 Average:7.14
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2008/10/13 21:11
gigamaster  三等軍曹 From: Geneva, Switzerland  Posts: 94
It made me remember some script installer I tried with Mikhail on some free hosts ans shared hosting accounts.
Finally we gave up due to security and server configs

But still very interesting solution ^^
Votes:14 Average:8.57
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2008/10/14 17:48
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
hi gigamaster.


It made me remember some script installer I tried with Mikhail on some free hosts ans shared hosting accounts.
What kind of "script"?

The point of my idea is to write the script by "bash".
Because "bash" must be installed into all Unix/Linux system.

Try it at your hosting server.
You can find this script's value, easily
Votes:13 Average:7.69

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