PEAK XOOPS - Re: bulletinHD-2.15 in englishin japanese

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Re: bulletinHD-2.15

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Subject bulletinHD-2.22
Summary ==== bulletinHD ホダ塾ディストリビューション版bulletin2 ===こちらのトピックをお読みください以降、altsys必須モジュールとなりました。先にaltsysをインストールしておいてください。アーカイ...
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2008/8/8 2:31
voltan  伍長 From: iran-tehran  Posts: 70
hello GIJOE
last version (2.14) note worked in xoops 2.0.x ! but this version worked in xoops 2.3.x for me
thank you
and i update persian language
Votes:4 Average:5.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2008/8/27 5:57
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
hi voltan.


last version (2.14) note worked in xoops 2.0.x ! but this version worked in xoops 2.3.x for me

It sounds curious
Because I've never touched any codes around compatibilities.
Anyway it must be a good news.

Quote:Thank you!
I've just updated persian in my working directory.
Votes:3 Average:6.67
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2008/8/28 1:55
voltan  伍長 From: iran-tehran  Posts: 70
It sounds curious
Because I've never touched any codes around compatibilities
yes i do !!
xoops codes has many change in version 2.3 rc and doing better support for D3 modules .
all of your module work in xoops 2.3 very well
( sorry from my bad english :D)
Votes:3 Average:6.67

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