PEAK XOOPS - pical firefox problem in englishin japanese

pical firefox problem

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2008/3/5 21:07 | Last modified
coolman7  办霹始   Posts: 11

I installed xoops and piCal 0.91g. Nothing else installed or hacked.

When I add a new event with firefox, popup calendar shows incorrectly (without borders and width of full screen instead of small popup)

But it works with IE 6.0 perfect. Also I checked with this website's ( pical module. It works perfect with firefox. So I'm doing wrong while installing the module. But what is it?

I just copied pical folder to modules folder and jscalendar folder to under common folder of root of xoops. And isntall module as an ordinary module. That's it. I didn't do anything else. because in document there was no more things to do.

Thanks for help
Votes:3 Average:6.67
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2008/3/7 0:30
coolman7  办霹始   Posts: 11
I think pical and xoops are not compatible. I found some other things that are not working. I opened another thread in

any idea?
Votes:4 Average:7.50

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