PEAK XOOPS - Re: pico 1.57 beta in englishin japanese

Re: pico 1.57 beta

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Subject pico 1.79 RC
Summary ==== 静的コンテンツ用モジュール pico ===pico とは Duplicatable V3 (D3) 技術を応用した静的コンテンツ用モジュールです。開発当初から想定していた機能を一通り実装したこともあり、現時点では1.60を安定版としています。こちらは、1.6の次の世代である1.7x系列です...
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/12/10 18:31
tayling  二等兵   Posts: 2
I am glad that the tinyd has been upgraded into pico but i am having trouble installing it. I am using xoops and have followed the instructions and uploaded to xoops_trust_path etc. THe module has installed but I cannot do anything except preferences - I cannot see catrgories or add content - just get the menu and then blank.

A long listing of debug warnings - commonly
Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for /modules/pico/templates/pico_blockedit_mywaitings.html in file /class/smarty/xoops_plugins/resource.db.php line 32
Warning: fopen(/modules/pico/templates/pico_admin_category_access.html) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file /class/smarty/xoops_plugins/resource.db.php line 18
Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for /modules/pico/templates/pico_admin_category_access.html in file /class/smarty/xoops_plugins/resource.db.php line 19
Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in file /class/smarty/xoops_plugins/resource.db.php line 19
Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in file /class/smarty/xoops_plugins/resource.db.php line 20

Hope somebody can help here- as tinyd0 doesnt appear to work with xoops

Thanks everybody
TOny Ayling
Brisbane Australia
Votes:6 Average:8.33

none Re: pico 1.57 beta

msg# 1.3.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2007/12/13 5:32
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
Votes:9 Average:5.56

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