PEAK XOOPS - Hack the CBB module to have adsense ads between posts in englishin japanese

Hack the CBB module to have adsense ads between posts

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/6/17 19:54
JimKarvo  办霹始   Posts: 19
How I can do that? How I would have the adsense's ads betweens replies?
Votes:4 Average:10.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/6/17 23:10
Bandit-x  办霹始 From: UsA - MiChIgAn  Posts: 17
i dont know why u ask about CBB over there. but since you already posted it.. then.

what version of CBB (3.08?). and where do you want the ad to be placed..
[]After every Reply
[]After The First
[]After or before The Last
[] Other...
Votes:6 Average:3.33
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/6/26 20:21
JimKarvo  办霹始   Posts: 19

Bandit-x wrotes:
i dont know why u ask about CBB over there. but since you already posted it.. then.

what version of CBB (3.08?). and where do you want the ad to be placed..
[]After every Reply
[]After The First
[]After or before The Last
[] Other...


After the firts reply and after the last..

Give me an sample code to play with it
Votes:3 Average:6.67
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2007/7/28 12:07
Bandit-x  办霹始 From: UsA - MiChIgAn  Posts: 17
if you are modifying the newbb_viewtopic_flat.html template/

<{if $topic_post.post_no == 1 }>
code for ads go here

so it would look like this.. (ad after the first post... im not sure with . after the last one yet. i've been a little busy lately)
 <{include file="$newbb_template_path/newbb_item.html" topic_post=$topic_post}>
 <{*include file="db:newbb_thread.html" topic_post=$topic_post mode=$mode*}>
 <{include file="$newbb_template_path/newbb_thread.html" topic_post=$topic_post mode=$mode}>
<{if $topic_post.post_no == 1 }>
code for ads go here
Votes:4 Average:10.00

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