PEAK XOOPS - myAlbum-P 2.9 (beta2) and categories in englishin japanese

myAlbum-P 2.9 (beta2) and categories

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/1/21 18:39
ivago  ÆóÅùʼ From: Belgium  Posts: 4

I just did an upgrade of my xoops site to 2.0.16 and also updated myalbum-p in the meantime to the latest version.

Somehow my gallery doesn't show any pictures when selecting a category, it just shows like 'Photos 1-10 (off 11 found photo's' (but in dutch) but without thumbnails or image names.

I do see the thumbnails of 'most recent pictures' and clicking these thumbnails shows the big picture.

what could be causing this problem? I allready tried regenarting all thumbnails and that goes OK without errors, also the config check in the admin section of myalbum-p tells me everything is OK so not errors what so ever.

kind regards,

Votes:8 Average:7.50
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/1/23 3:52
GIJOE  ÀèǤ·³Áâ   Posts: 4110
Have you update the module in modulesadmin?

Or report with SQL debug please.
Votes:2 Average:5.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/1/26 23:07
ivago  ÆóÅùʼ From: Belgium  Posts: 4
I clicked the buttn again in admin/modules/myalbum-p to show you the tables and such it's referring to in my xoops db, all without any errors as far as I can see?
Module data updated.
Updating templates...
  Template myalbum_photo.html inserted to the database.
  Template myalbum_photo.html recompiled.
  Template myalbum_viewcat_list.html inserted to the database.
  Template myalbum_viewcat_list.html recompiled.
  Template myalbum_viewcat_table.html inserted to the database.
  Template myalbum_viewcat_table.html recompiled.
  Template myalbum_index.html inserted to the database.
  Template myalbum_index.html recompiled.
  Template myalbum_ratephoto.html inserted to the database.
  Template myalbum_ratephoto.html recompiled.
  Template myalbum_topten.html inserted to the database.
  Template myalbum_topten.html recompiled.
  Template myalbum_photo_in_list.html inserted to the database.
  Template myalbum_photo_in_list.html recompiled.
  Template myalbum_header.html inserted to the database.
  Template myalbum_header.html recompiled.
  Template myalbum_footer.html inserted to the database.
  Template myalbum_footer.html recompiled.
  Template myalbum_categories.html inserted to the database.
  Template myalbum_categories.html recompiled.
  Template myalbum_imagemanager.html inserted to the database.
  Template myalbum_imagemanager.html recompiled.
Rebuilding blocks...
  Block Willekeurige foto updated. Block ID: 30
  Template myalbum_block_rphoto.html updated.
  Template myalbum_block_rphoto.html recompiled.
  Block Recente foto's updated. Block ID: 31
  Template myalbum_block_topnews.html updated.
  Template myalbum_block_topnews.html recompiled.
  Block Top foto's updated. Block ID: 32
  Template myalbum_block_tophits.html updated.
  Template myalbum_block_tophits.html recompiled.
  Block Recente foto's met thumbnails updated. Block ID: 33
  Template myalbum_block_topnews_p.html updated.
  Template myalbum_block_topnews_p.html recompiled.
  Block Top foto's met thumbnails updated. Block ID: 34
  Template myalbum_block_tophits_p.html updated.
  Template myalbum_block_tophits_p.html recompiled.
Deleting module config options...
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 358
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 359
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 360
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 361
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 362
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 363
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 364
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 365
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 366
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 367
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 368
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 369
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 370
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 371
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 372
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 373
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 374
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 375
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 376
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 377
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 378
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 379
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 380
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 381
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 382
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 383
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 384
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 385
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 386
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 387
  Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 388
Adding module config data...
  Config myalbum_photospath added to the database.
  Config myalbum_thumbspath added to the database.
  Config myalbum_imagingpipe added to the database.
    Config option added. Name: GD Value: 0
    Config option added. Name: ImageMagick Value: 1
    Config option added. Name: NetPBM Value: 2
  Config myalbum_forcegd2 added to the database.
  Config myalbum_imagickpath added to the database.
  Config myalbum_netpbmpath added to the database.
  Config myalbum_width added to the database.
  Config myalbum_height added to the database.
  Config myalbum_fsize added to the database.
  Config myalbum_middlepixel added to the database.
  Config myalbum_allownoimage added to the database.
  Config myalbum_makethumb added to the database.
  Config myalbum_thumbsize added to the database.
  Config myalbum_thumbrule added to the database.
    Config option added. Name: _ALBUM_OPT_CALCFROMWIDTH Value: w
    Config option added. Name: _ALBUM_OPT_CALCFROMHEIGHT Value: h
    Config option added. Name: _ALBUM_OPT_CALCWHINSIDEBOX Value: b
  Config myalbum_popular added to the database.
  Config myalbum_newdays added to the database.
  Config myalbum_newphotos added to the database.
  Config myalbum_defaultorder added to the database.
    Config option added. Name: photo_id ASC Value: lidA
    Config option added. Name: title ASC Value: titleA
    Config option added. Name: date ASC Value: dateA
    Config option added. Name: hits ASC Value: hitsA
    Config option added. Name: rating ASC Value: ratingA
    Config option added. Name: photo_id DESC Value: lidD
    Config option added. Name: title DESC Value: titleD
    Config option added. Name: date DESC Value: dateD
    Config option added. Name: hits DESC Value: hitsD
    Config option added. Name: rating DESC Value: ratingD
  Config myalbum_perpage added to the database.
  Config myalbum_addposts added to the database.
  Config myalbum_catonsubmenu added to the database.
  Config myalbum_nameoruname added to the database.
    Config option added. Name: _ALBM_OPT_USENAME Value: name
    Config option added. Name: _ALBM_OPT_USEUNAME Value: uname
  Config myalbum_viewcattype added to the database.
    Config option added. Name: _ALBM_OPT_VIEWLIST Value: list
    Config option added. Name: _ALBM_OPT_VIEWTABLE Value: table
  Config myalbum_colsoftableview added to the database.
  Config myalbum_allowedexts added to the database.
  Config myalbum_allowedmime added to the database.
  Config myalbum_usesiteimg added to the database.
  Config com_rule added to the database.
    Config option added. Name: _CM_COMNOCOM Value: 0
    Config option added. Name: _CM_COMAPPROVEALL Value: 1
    Config option added. Name: _CM_COMAPPROVEUSER Value: 2
    Config option added. Name: _CM_COMAPPROVEADMIN Value: 3
  Config com_anonpost added to the database.
  Config notification_enabled added to the database.
    Config option added. Name: _NOT_CONFIG_DISABLE Value: 0
    Config option added. Name: _NOT_CONFIG_ENABLEBLOCK Value: 1
    Config option added. Name: _NOT_CONFIG_ENABLEINLINE Value: 2
    Config option added. Name: _NOT_CONFIG_ENABLEBOTH Value: 3
  Config notification_events added to the database.
    Config option added. Name: Globaal : Nieuwe foto Value: global-new_photo
    Config option added. Name: Categorie : Nieuwe foto Value: category-new_photo
    Config option added. Name: Categorie : Bookmark Value: category-bookmark
    Config option added. Name: Foto : Reactie toegevoegd Value: photo-comment
    Config option added. Name: Foto : Reactie Ingestuurd Value: photo-comment_submit
    Config option added. Name: Foto : Bookmark Value: photo-bookmark

Module Fotoalbum succesvol bijgewerkt. 

The last sentence is dutch for that myalbum-p module has been succesfully reconfigured.

Anyway, I don't see any error message in xoops itself when accessing the gallery.

Do I need to downgrade?
Votes:6 Average:3.33
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/1/26 23:28
ivago  ÆóÅùʼ From: Belgium  Posts: 4
this is the output of my configuration check

Controle omgeving
PHP richtlijn 'safe_mode' (beide ok):   off
PHP richtlijn 'file_uploads' (moet aan):   on
PHP richtlijn 'register_globals' (beide ok):   off
PHP richtlijn 'upload_max_filesize':   2M byte
PHP richtlijn 'post_max_size':   8M byte
PHP richtlijn 'open_basedir':   nothing
PHP richtlijn 'upload_tmp_dir':   ok
Controle van tabellen
Foto's tabel: studioo_myalbum_photos   ok
Aantal foto's: 250

Beschrijvingen tabel: studioo_myalbum_text   ok
Aantal beschrijvingen: 250

CategoriõÏ tabel: studioo_myalbum_cat   ok
Aantal categoriõÏ: 8

Waarderings-data tabel: studioo_myalbum_votedata   ok
Aantal waarderingen: 0

Commentaar tabel: studioo_xoopscomments   ok
Aantal commentaren: 0

Pipe voor afbeeldingen: ImageMagick
Path: /usr/bin/
  Version: ImageMagick 6.0.7 08/28/06 Q16   ok

Foto's directory: /var/www/html/xoops/html/uploads/photos   ok  

Thumbnail directory: /var/www/html/xoops/html/uploads/thumbs   ok  

Foto's & thumbnails link controle
Controleren .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ok  
Votes:5 Average:6.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/1/27 3:45 | Last modified
GIJOE  ÀèǤ·³Áâ   Posts: 4110
I write again.

Turn SQL debug on in category view.
Votes:3 Average:3.33
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2007/1/30 17:47
ivago  ÆóÅùʼ From: Belgium  Posts: 4

i'm not sure where to find the debug option, but
clicking 'Add/Edit Category' or 'Global Permissions' gives me a blank page in FF1.5 or IE7

if you want I can give u an admin account so u can see it for yourself...
Votes:3 Average:6.67

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