PEAK XOOPS - More than five? in englishin japanese

More than five?

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Target Downloads
Subject xhld 2.99
Summary === ヘッドラインモジュール xhld ===RSSやATOMを表示するモジュールです。歴史的には標準モジュールであるXoopsHeadlineがベースですが、今ではかなり書き変わって別物と化しているはずです。2.73以降、フィードの日時フォーマットが空文字の場合、日時が表示されません...
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/4/10 21:16
lettsv  二等兵   Posts: 1
Great program!

I am having difficulty with more than five installs. I have xhld, xhld0, xhld1, xhld2, xhld3...after that nothing works. I tried xhld4 and on but unable to load these higher numbers...they do not show up in the modules?!

What is the fix for this? I have multiple topics but only five xhld modules.


Votes:8 Average:6.25
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/4/11 5:24
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
hi lettsv.


I've just added the keyword "xhld4" into the post.
Votes:2 Average:5.00

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