PEAK XOOPS - Thumbnail images for video files in englishin japanese

Thumbnail images for video files

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/3/17 6:55
Robert  ÆóÅùʼ From: NewYork, USA  Posts: 9
Has anyone tried to create a mod or a hack to have thumbnail images created for video files? ImageMagick does a great job for image files, but when a file is a video file, it cannot create a thumbnail image and a generic video icon is created in its' place.

There is a PHP library called ffmpeg located at which will create a thumbnail for video files. I was wondering if anyone has ever attempted this or if anyone has any suggestions.

Votes:9 Average:1.11
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2006/3/19 6:01
GIJOE  ÀèǤ·³Áâ   Posts: 4110
I'm sorry that I won't implement it into myAlbum-P.
Votes:1 Average:10.00

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