PEAK XOOPS - Some problems in englishin japanese

Some problems

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unhappy Some problems

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2003/11/6 19:30
frenchman  办霹始   Posts: 16
After installing this module.....I've got the foolowing.

Instead the word year or month, I have _PICAL_FMT_YEAR

So, What am I to do?
I whanted to translate this module into russian.....but now I'm not able to do it......

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2003/11/7 5:18
kinghorn  企霹始   Posts: 2
I installed the module today to test it out. I am also seeing the variable label names instead of the correct labels for english (e.g. _PICAL_FMT_YEAR_MONTH instead of Nov 2003). This is just happening on the user piCal pages, the admin piCal pages are using the correct english labels. Xoop set to use language=english, so not sure why it is not working.

If I run across a solution I wiil post it. Good luck!

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normal Re: Some problems

msg# 1.1.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2003/11/7 10:55
GIJOE  黎扦烦菱   Posts: 4110
Perhaps, the problem was caused by an incompatibility of Windows and Unix.
Do you use Windows as Server?
If so, download the newest one.
I've just patched the point of incompatibility.
The newest piCal can probably work fine with both Unix and Windows.
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normal Re: Some problems

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2003/11/7 18:26
TheCat  企霹始 From: France  Posts: 1
Excuse me, but I don't speak good english (I'm french).
I confirm there is a problem with Windows.
It's possible to solve this problem at the line 122 of pical.php
$this->mydir = substr( __FILE__ , 0 , strrpos( __FILE__ , '/' ) ) ;
But I think there is another problems to use Pical with windows Server.
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normal Re: Some problems

Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2003/11/7 18:44
GIJOE  黎扦烦菱   Posts: 4110
Your suggestion is correct.
But I've already fixed it.

But I think there is another problems to use Pical with windows Server.
Tell me "another problems" in Windows, please.
I don't use Windows as Server at all, but I can guess the cause.


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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2003/11/7 18:48
jayjay  办霹始   Posts: 11
The solution is quite simple: pical doesn't fall back to English when it doesn't find your language. Hence it gives you the language codes and not the translation.

A quick and dirty solution is copying the "english" folder in the "language" folder and naming it after your language (in your case russian). Now the module should show up in english. You can now start translating the module to your language if you wish by editing the files in your new folder.

I'd like to ask the programmer of this wonderful module (I truly love it!) to fix this problem. I believe the problem lies in pical.php round about line 123 where the module seeks a present language module but can't find the "english" folder.
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normal Re: Some problems

Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2003/11/8 5:42
kinghorn  企霹始   Posts: 2
Yes, I loaded it onto a win 2000 server. The new patch has corrected all the variables except one, _MB_PICAL_JUMP on the form button.

I have added a few repeating events, edited and deleted them - it is working great. Good job on the module!
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normal Re: Some problems

msg# 1.2.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2003/11/9 8:07
GIJOE  黎扦烦菱   Posts: 4110
hi jayjay.

I'm glad to know you like this module.

The solution is quite simple: pical doesn't fall back to English when it doesn't find your language. Hence it gives you the language codes and not the translation.
I'm sorry I have to tell you that your suggestion is incorrect.
piCal do fall back to English when it doesn't find the language.
The trouble had come only in Windows environment.
I didn't know that __FILE__ returns '\' separated path in Windows.

This problem has been already fixed by using DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant.
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normal Re: Some problems

Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2003/11/10 16:28
frenchman  办霹始   Posts: 16
With new version everything is working correctly.
Thanks a lot!
I'll send you the russian translation soon!
Votes:1 Average:10.00

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