PEAK XOOPS - Re: D3Pipes - TRUNCATE this clipping option - a suggestion in englishin japanese

Re: D3Pipes - TRUNCATE this clipping option - a suggestion

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none Re: D3Pipes - TRUNCATE this clipping option - a suggestion

msg# 1.1.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/8/20 1:03
Nobelium  Corporal   Posts: 47
Truncate is cutting off the entry's content/text at a variable (TRUNCATE) point.

Say an rss feed entry is 1000 characters total.

The TRUNCATE (filter) would/could chop that to whatever you wanted, say 300 characters. And then display it or insert into the db.

This allows grabbing only a portion of the feed, yet a pre-defined portion that fits your publishing/styling needs (300 characters for example) exactly.

It's like the "Max bytes of title" in the XHLD module block, except this applies to the whole content/description of the item.

BTW, that "Max bytes of title" in the XHLD block was very useful.

Maybe the TRUNCATE filter could apply to either the title or the content or both.

As for the TEXT REPLACEMENT (filter)...

Is this for the title only? Or can it apply to the description/content as well? Cause that's what I need. To be able to replace a particular string in the content of the rss feed item with another string.

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