PEAK XOOPS - Re: d3forum comment integration with smartfaq in englishin japanese

Re: d3forum comment integration with smartfaq

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none Re: d3forum comment integration with smartfaq

msg# 1.1.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/4/4 17:04 | Last modified
plusangel  上等兵   Posts: 32
Dear GiJOE,

I've installed ALTSYS...
It's far better, if you want to play with templates(and not only)!

Now, regarding smartfaq (and smartsection as well) I have the same issues.

I found the following chank of code

<div style="text-align: center; padding: 3px; margin:3px;">

<div style="margin:3px; padding: 3px;">
<!-- start comments loop -->
<{if $comment_mode == "flat"}>
  <{include file="db:system_comments_flat.html"}>
<{elseif $comment_mode == "thread"}>
  <{include file="db:system_comments_thread.html"}>
<{elseif $comment_mode == "nest"}>
  <{include file="db:system_comments_nest.html"}>
<!-- end comments loop -->

and I replaced it with

<{d3forum_comment dirname=d3forum forum_id=(number) itemname="id" subject=$title}>

on both modules.

The result is that the oldfashion comment system disappeared from the bottom of the item (since I remove the correspoding code) but nothing comes up in this place.

I've did the comment integration with pd-downloads with success.

I'll keep investigate it...
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