PEAK XOOPS - TIMESTAMP column in protector_log table in englishin japanese

TIMESTAMP column in protector_log table

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question TIMESTAMP column in protector_log table

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/10/13 0:34
Dave_L  Lance Corporal From: Virginia, USA  Posts: 35
[Feature change request]

The TIMESTAMP column in the protector_log table is causing some issues with compatibility across different MySQL versions, when using mysqldump to export databases from one version to another.

Since rows are only inserted into that table, and never updated, I don't see any real benefit to using the TIMESTAMP column type.

I suggest changing that column type to DATETIME, and manually setting it when a row is inserted in that table:

INSERT INTO `protector_log` ... `timestamp`=NOW()
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