PEAK XOOPS - Daily Events Difficulty in englishin japanese

Daily Events Difficulty

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question Daily Events Difficulty

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/1/21 1:05
kjs222  Private 1st Class   Posts: 13
First, thank you everyone involved for your work on this module. My clients have been very happy to see it; even with the "beta" status.

I believe someone else mentioned this problem earlier on the forum, but their post was somewhat incoherent so I decided to start a new (hopefully coherent) thread. My hope is to solve both of our problems.

The issue at hand is that an all-day event is added, but it ends up being duplicated on either the next day, or both the next day and current day (on month view).

See the problem:

Particularly, see item:

and item:

So, this appears to be a single post on the calendar. The properties is that it recurs every year. In this case, it's an all-day event without specified date-time.

My intention is to find some modification of the PHP such that:

A) When all-day event is submitted, it doesn't duplicate the event on the original date
B) When all-day event is recurred, it doesn't span two days no matter what time-zone it is in.

This is high-priority for this site.

My initial instincts (without looking at the code) is as follows:

For A)
- I believe there is an entry in the database for each occurrence of a recurring event... correct? In which case the problem is that when a new all-day recurring event is submitted for some reason the first occurrence is slightly different than subsequent occurrences, and that the algorithm for determining the first recurrence date must be slightly out-of-whack (possibly based on differences in time-zone, eg. because the person's time-zone is slightly before server's, therefore the "next" occurance of a yearly recurring event is today at 5:00... but really, that's a problem, not an excuse).

For B)
- I don't want to play-around with the datetime string... all I want to do is modify the handler of the all-day event object (if such an object exists) such that whenever these events are analyzed they are treated strictly as single-day events.

So, again, I appreciate that this is only beta. I am quite willing to do some of the hacking myself and share the result with the community; the thing I'd really like is for someone who's worked on this to:

- give me some initial feedback on my first conclusions
- let me know if I'm barking up the right trees,
- let me know if they have a quick solution, and
- let me know where a good place to start hacking would be.

Many thanks, and I look forward to continued use of this well-constructed module. I must admit - I'll take solidarity in the module over more features any day, but your future feature set does look inviting.

Thanks in advance,
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