PEAK XOOPS - Blocked user in englishin japanese

Blocked user

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msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 .3 | Posted on 2009/5/5 22:46
dataguru  Private   Posts: 2
I'm running the latest version of xoops and have protector running and set up to hit project honeypot. It appears to be doing a great job, however, we just received an e-mail from a user who received the following message when he attempted to post:
Protector rejects your post, because your IP is registered in RBL

I checked and the username does exist and has been activated by the site admin.

There is only one address in the protector bad IP field:

I'm not sure how that IP got there.

I don't see any way to get the user's IP address to see what's going on there. I've asked him to attempt to post again and to copy the entire error message.


and does anyone know where the english version of the protector documentation is located?

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