PEAK XOOPS - Some n00b help please in englishin japanese

Some n00b help please

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question Some n00b help please

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2008/2/23 1:41 | Last modified
Wolfseye  Private   Posts: 2

sorry that I have to ask this but I am new to Xoops and so also new to the Protector Module. So I do have a few problems understanding how to make it work or install it.

The README states the following:

First, define XOOPS_TRUST_PATH into mainfile.php if you've never done it yet.

Maybe if I knew Xoops better I would know what that would mean exactly, what to change, but I donĄ­t yet. Some help would be highly appreciated.

Copy html/modules/protector in the archive into your XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/modules/
Copy xoops_trust_path/modules/protector in the archive into your XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/modules/

I got the first part of that, but with the trusted path, I donĄ­t understand yet. So that doesnĄ­t comes into the same folder than the first part ?


Sorry if that sounds noobish but best to ask before doing it wrong.

And after installing the Module, the changes in the mainfile.php ...

[code]	include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/' ;
	if (!isset($xoopsOption['nocommon']) && XOOPS_ROOT_PATH != '' ) {
		include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/common.php";
	include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/' ;

Does it matter where in the mainfile I add these 2 lines ?
You probably have been asked these things hundreds of times but I would appreciate if you could clarify these things for me so I can use that Module without messing things up from the start.

Thank you in advance.

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