PEAK XOOPS - [SOLVED] Background Color in certain dates in englishin japanese

[SOLVED] Background Color in certain dates

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2004/11/22 14:56
GIJOE  ÀèǤ·³Áâ   Posts: 4110
The green colored day means "targeted day" instead of "today".

But it is misunderstandable implementation, certainly.

It should be added an option which selects "high-light today" or "high-light targeted day".
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/11/20 17:53
karedokx  ¸àĹ   Posts: 65
i am using the english languange.

i do have changed the holidays (in the pical_vars.phtml), however those background colors on the date i mentioned still appeared..

looking at the background color, it is the color of the "Bgcolor of targeted day". i might not understand enough on how this targeted day works. ok, i think i get it now, it highlight the current 'targeted day'.. let me learn more on how it works..

sorry about that.
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/11/20 17:41
GIJOE  ÀèǤ·³Áâ   Posts: 4110
hi karedokx.
Which language do you use?

Anyway, you can edit language/(your_language)/pical_vars.phtml for changing holidays.
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/11/20 11:32
karedokx  ¸àĹ   Posts: 65
i found that certain dates (for example 11th Feb, 30th Sep, 1st Dec, etc) have been given a background color. What's that for? (I believe they are not holidays)

How can I remove the background color on those dates?

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