PEAK XOOPS - Integrate non-D3 based module's comment with d3forum in englishin japanese

Integrate non-D3 based module's comment with d3forum

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2008/7/2 12:24
kololok  二等兵   Posts: 2

I am on the half way to change my website's comment system to integrate with d3forum.
Everything goes smooth so far following the instruction and it seems like a good replacement of the default XOOPS comments system.

After the comment transfer to d3forum successfully, I notice there's a little difference in myAlbum's comment page.

For Example, in photos comment as below link, a table of Target, Subject and Summary are displayed with information of the target link.

But in the same place of my d3forum page, it only displays "target of the comment" link instead of the table.

In moment I find only D3 based module like pico can display the table, but non-D3 based modules just display the link.

How to make non-D3 based module like myAlbum-P display the table of Target, Subject and Summary just like photos comment here?
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2008/7/2 13:01 | Last modified
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
hi kololok.

A good question!


How to make non-D3 based module like myAlbum-P display the table of Target, Subject and Summary just like photos comment here?

This is an issue of "Comment Integration Class".

A sample class for myAlbum-P:


// a class for d3forum comment integration
class MyalbumD3commentPhotos extends D3commentAbstract {

function fetchSummary( $external_link_id )
	$db =& Database::getInstance() ;
	$myts =& MyTextsanitizer::getInstance() ;

	$module_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'module' ) ;
	$module =& $module_handler->getByDirname( $this->mydirname ) ;

	$lid = intval( $external_link_id ) ;
	$mydirname = $this->mydirname ;
	if( preg_match( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/' , $mydirname ) ) die( 'Invalid mydirname' ) ;

	// query
	$myrow = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( "SELECT l.lid AS id,l.title AS subject,t.description AS body,l.ext FROM ".$db->prefix("myalbum_photos")." l LEFT JOIN ".$db->prefix("myalbum_text")." t ON l.lid=t.lid WHERE l.lid=$lid" ) ) ;

	$body = str_replace( '&nbsp;' , '' , $myts->displayTarea( $myrow['body'] ) ) ;
	$body = function_exists('easiestml') ? easiestml( $body ) : $body ;

	return array(
		'dirname' => $mydirname ,
		'module_name' => $module->getVar( 'name' ) ,
		'subject' => $myts->makeTboxData4Show( $myrow['subject'] ) ,
		'uri' => XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$mydirname.'/photo.php?lid='.intval($myrow['id']) ,
		'summary' => '<img src="'.XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL.'/photos/'.intval($myrow['id']).'.'.htmlspecialchars($myrow['ext']).'" width="120" />' ,
	) ;



- Add the class file into the class folder module.
eg) modules/myalbum/class/MyalbumD3commentPhotos.class.php

- edit the forum "Format for comment-integration"
eg) myalbum::MyalbumD3commentPhotos::

There are many comment-integration-classes for many modules (of course, not D3 modules also)

for piCal

for myAlbum-P

for mydownloads

for smartfaq

for xoopspoll

Many thanks to photositelinks!
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2008/7/2 17:53
kololok  二等兵   Posts: 2
I follow your instruction on myAlbum-p and it works like a charm.
I'll keep on converting other non-D3 modules' comments to d3forum because it is very helpful for a large Xoops website to integrate and reorganize its comments.
Thank you for this smart solution.
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