PEAK XOOPS - Altsys - Admin Menu Display Missing - 0.53 in englishin japanese

Altsys - Admin Menu Display Missing - 0.53

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/6/20 12:15
info  °ìÅùʼ   Posts: 16
First, great module and very helpful in making it easier to administer XOOPS sites. This should be integrated somehow into the overall core. Been using this since v0.2 and prior to that in the separate Blocks and Templates modules. Anyhooos..... In short, I have experience installing these and protector and the mainfile mods to make and such.

I was upgrading from 0.41 to 0.53 and after installation, the menus in the admin area don't show. These are the menus in the content area, not a themed-based block set of menus. (I'm still old school on the admin side.) I tried a number of things, and I'm not sure this isn't a 2.0.16 issue because something changed related to the specification of templates when I upgraded sites to 2.0.16.

I tried uninstalling and re-installing, but that didn't fix it. I cleared the templates and the cache folders, but that didn't fix it. On one site, I have a templates set for the site (with some propagated, but not all), on another, I hadn't yet specified a templates set other than default.

On both sites, until I had created a copy of the templates into a new set, the menus wouldn't show. Not exactly sure what the issue is. I didn't have any overriding templates in my custom themes for each site.

XOOPS: 2.0.16
PHP: 5.2
MySQL: 4.x

Let me know if I can provide more info to help.
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2007/6/22 4:21
GIJOE  ÀèǤ·³Áâ   Posts: 4110
It is caused by core 2.0.16's bug.


Don't forget removing templates_c/*
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