PEAK XOOPS - Re: d3pipes - Ajax in admin side in englishin japanese

Re: d3pipes - Ajax in admin side

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Subject d3pipes - 管理画面でのAjax
Summary 0.32以降、d3pipesで、管理画面のAjaxを実装してみましたが、意外と知られていないのでここにも書きます。キャプチャー画面を見れば判るように、「ドラッグ&ドロップによる並び替え」と「ジョイントタイプを選んだ時に自動的にオプションフォームが切り替わる」という2つ...

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none Re: d3pipes - Ajax in admin side

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2007/7/7 3:43
gigamaster  三等軍曹 From: Geneva, Switzerland  Posts: 94
Wow... That's really nice !

I've started a demo site based on XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1.1
Pico + FCKEditor and JQuery

The library was upload to /common/lib too.

The goal is to show how easy we can override css and
add an ajax library to create fun and interactive content.

I'm glad to see that 2Bcool has choose Gijoe's Pipes module.
Thank you both,

Have Fun !
Votes:4 Average:5.00

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