PEAK XOOPS - PHPMailer Vulnerability Trap in englishin japanese

PHPMailer Vulnerability Trap

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none PHPMailer Vulnerability Trap

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/6/30 4:03 | Last modified
CyberSensei  一等兵   Posts: 19
Just applied the Protector v3.04 (which I love BTW) and it WHITE-SCREENED by development site.

PHP Version 4.3.9
MySQL Version 5.0.27
XOOPS Version 2.0.16

I traced the hangup on my system to '' @ 33 with the echo statement. I changed to die instead.

Suspect this may be a problem with my php.ini options; but not sure which one. Obviously we don't want exploit broadcast on a production. Any1 have idea on possible INI problem that isn't printing error to screen as designed; or is there a more graceful way of disclosing the error (e.g. in the Protector log).

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