PEAK XOOPS - Re: New hack that is using XFSection in englishin japanese

Re: New hack that is using XFSection

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none Re: New hack that is using XFSection

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/6/14 4:19
GIJOE  ÀèǤ·³Áâ   Posts: 4110

Do you have a list of modules that allow this 'crack'
Old *Content with spaw.
They all have the same fatal vulnerability.

Old WF-* and XF-*.
They have super global extractions.

Almost modules registered in
85-95% of the modules may have XSS/ScriptInsertion.
65-85% of the modules may have SQL Injections.

Could Protector do a sanity check on installed modules? That would be a neat idea to implement if it were possible.
It is not easy to implement the sanity check against module's codes.

All I can say, don't use modules made by poor skilled developpers.

Quote from my hoster
"Many scripts rely on allow_url_fopen the first one that springs to mind is RSS feeds. These will no longer work if allow_url_fopen(); is disabled without some interesting use of the curl function (which again has its own security risks for shared customers and insecure scripts)."
This is a normal answer.
And I don't have time to talk about such admins about ...

- How danger allow_url_fopen is
- It is quite easy to get RSS without url fopen.
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