PEAK XOOPS - Re: Error message... in englishin japanese

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question Re: Error message...

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/7/31 17:37
GIJOE  ÀèǤ·³Áâ   Posts: 4110
hi bluwu.
Well I turned off and unstalled all of the modules except piCal and System Admin.... i still get the same error.

It's wierd.

Does it happen to you?

Basically, I turned on the debug mode. Without it I get a blank screen every time. I have a clean install of XOOPS 2.0.7 and only the piCal mod installed.

Please help.
The warning "Header already sent" is often caused by coding mistakes like


Such blank line will be outputted.
Once some output is occured, any header() can't be send.
And I can't guess which file has such a wrong code.
(I guess some language files has such a wrong code)

Such a wrong code might harm somewhere other than piCal.

Thus I reccomend you to check such a wrong code by youself at first.

It's easy to use piCal with such a wrong code.
All you have to do is modifying the way to redirect only.

line 2134 in piCal.php
		 Header( "Location: $this->connection://$HTTP_HOST$PHP_SELF?smode={$_POST['last_smode']}&caldate=".date('Y-n-j',$start) ) ;
		redirect_header( "$PHP_SELF?smode={$_POST['last_smode']}&caldate=".date('Y-n-j',$start) , 0 ) ;

And I'll never recommend Agenda-X to my friends.
It has full of security holes. (CSRF, SQL Injection, XSS and so on)
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