PEAK XOOPS - Multi-Language Hack doenst work for button? in englishin japanese

Multi-Language Hack doenst work for button?

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question Multi-Language Hack doenst work for button?

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/1/25 0:40
anhstar  二等兵   Posts: 1
Hello! Im using Multi-Language Hack and so far I like it alot. Thanks for a great hack GIJOE!

However it seems that the hack doenst work on button! Xoops has a button called Search and you can normally change it in the english language pack and that's what I did. However when I do:
I get: [en]Search[/en][fr]Recherche[/fr] in the button.

Is this a know issue or I did something wrong?

Please advice!

Thanks in advance!
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