PEAK XOOPS - Protector missing EXPLAIN in db query? in englishin japanese

Protector missing EXPLAIN in db query?

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question Protector missing EXPLAIN in db query?

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/5/28 5:40
DaveHaviland  二等兵   Posts: 1
I just started getting this at the top of every page:

Warning: mysql_query(): Your query requires a full tablescan (table eagle_config, 143 rows affected). Use EXPLAIN to optimize your query. in /modules/protector/class/protector.php on line 44

fresh xoops install: 2.0.10 - site isn't even live yet.

protector 2.4

'register_globals' : on
'allow_url_fopen' : on
'XOOPS_DB_PREFIX' : (something) ok
'mainfile.php' : patched ok
'Password for rescue' : ok

I noticed around line 44 you mention:
// Preferences (for performance, I dare to use an irregular method)

What's the non-performance method?
- I think that's what's holding me up.

Thank you for your time. - great module btw.
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