PEAK XOOPS - Group images not displaying & other probs in englishin japanese

Group images not displaying & other probs

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question Group images not displaying & other probs

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/1/10 2:36
jamboree  二等兵   Posts: 2
I run Xoops 2.0.6 and piCal 0.62 on an Apache server. I recently upgraded piCal from 0.50 to 0.62 to take advantage of the categories feature.

My calendar can be seen at:

1. Before I upgraded I had 8 different groups named after 8 different 'locations'. This allowed me to edit the group icon next to each event so that all events put in 'group Taipei' would have a red square gif appear next to it. Since I made all users members of the 8 different 'location' groups, it meant that all users could see all events in all groups, with a different coloured gif next to each of them denoting the location of the event. My default calendar view was Monthly.

Since upgrading, I have lost these coloured gifs. I have updated my groups, group permissions, category permissions etc to no avail. All I have is a small white dot which i can't find out how to edit.

I would like to be able to show the group gifs in the Monthly view.

2. Is there any way to set the default page view to 'Monthly' AND a specific category (e.g. show 'Music Calendar' rather than 'All Categories' automatically?

3. I have thousands of events I want to sort into different categories ... what is the most efficient way to do this and how can I confirm a 'move'?

4. The upgrade has resulted in my events being 'uneditable'. 'Save As' will save an event that is a copy of the original. 'Change' ends refreshes the page with no actual change to file. The end dates of some events (recurring) seem to end the day before intended and can not be changed (see above).

5. Very important. I want to make some changes to the style of the calendar. Specifically, I would like to add greater space between the events vertically in the monthly view. At present they are very tight next to each other making it hard to spot individual event names. I would also like to increase the width of my calendar by about 50 pixels evenly across the columns.

Hope you can help. PiCal is a life saver for my site and the most accessed part. I love the new changes and I'm looking to make it more visually friendly.

Many thanks for your help
best wishes
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