PEAK XOOPS - Problem with Xhld and Marcan's hack in englishin japanese

Problem with Xhld and Marcan's hack

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/6/21 19:29
fblanchet  Private   Posts: 8
Hello everyone, having problems translating Blocs in Xhld... In fact i am trying to modify the headers (not the news), only the top part of my table you see right here...

How can i make my [.en] [.fr] work in this table?

Thanks in advance!

FrņÅņĶic Blanchet
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/6/22 13:04
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
Perhaps, you did misunderstood the meaning of Marcan's hack.

Where did you write [en]Date[/en]...?
Perhaps, you wrote it into template manager.

Since Marcan's hack hooks MyTextSanitizer, it is no use.

Or you can use EMLH with Marcan's hack.
Edit the top of easiestml.php like 'en,fr' if you want to use language tags [en] or [fr].
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/6/23 18:35
bluenova  Private   Posts: 7
Lastest version of smartlanguages allows to input smarty tags for use in themes and templates directly from the smartlanguages admin.
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/6/23 19:47
fblanchet  Private   Posts: 8
Hello GiJoe,
thanks for the reply. I was talking with Marcan and he fixed that problem. It was something to do with his script that did not translate correctly the blocks. Here is the link for the fix,
i hope you understand french, if not i can translate in english if you wish.

Another thing, I was wondering if there is a way that the feeds could appear or hide automaticaly using the language of choice. For example, i am receiving feeds from Radio-Canada (french) and CBC (english)... is there a way that french users would only see Radio-Canada's feeds in the recent headlines block and that the english users would see CBC's feeds depending on the language of choice?

Thanks in advance


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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/6/29 7:17
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
hi fblanchet
Hello GiJoe,
thanks for the reply. I was talking with Marcan and he fixed that problem. It was something to do with his script that did not translate correctly the blocks. Here is the link for the fix,
i hope you understand french, if not i can translate in english if you wish.
Though I can't read French, I almost understood marcan said.
Perhaps,some_ml_task() do something like EMLH.

Anyway, there are no necessary to modify "xhld", OK?

Another thing, I was wondering if there is a way that the feeds could appear or hide automaticaly using the language of choice. For example, i am receiving feeds from Radio-Canada (french) and CBC (english)... is there a way that french users would only see Radio-Canada's feeds in the recent headlines block and that the english users would see CBC's feeds depending on the language of choice?
It is intersting but difficut.

At least, I can do that with EMLH.


Assign french headline block as top of center blocks.
Assign english headline block as second of center blocks.
Then, edit your theme.html:
	<td id="centerCcolumn" colspan="2">
		<div style="padding: 5px;">
		<div class="blockTitle"><{$xoops_ccblocks[0].title}></div>
		<div class="blockContent"><{$xoops_ccblocks[0].content}></div>
		<div class="blockTitle"><{$xoops_ccblocks[1].title}></div>
		<div class="blockContent"><{$xoops_ccblocks[1].content}></div>

Of course, this configuration is needed:

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