PEAK XOOPS - Can't clone block in englishin japanese

Can't clone block

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/5/12 14:41
LazyBadger  Lance Corporal   Posts: 34
If site have more one one instances of XHLD, clonable block in XHLD can't be cloned. I get error "Handler doesn't exist"... and no problems if XHLD added only once
Votes:19 Average:4.74
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/5/15 17:51
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
hi LazyBadger.

I guess that your table of newblocks are damaged by on updating 2.0.9 or

If you've updated 2.0.9 or, see this.

Votes:7 Average:7.14
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/5/20 2:13
LazyBadger  Lance Corporal   Posts: 34
Maybe, but both my sites went same update path, on bad I have 2 XHLD, on good - 1 only
Votes:3 Average:3.33

question Re: Can't clone block

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/5/20 7:10
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
hi LazayBadger.

If you can, show me the result of the SQL:

select * from (prefix)_newblocks where show_func like '%xhld%'

Votes:3 Average:3.33

question Re: Can't clone block

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/5/20 21:16
LazyBadger  Lance Corporal   Posts: 34
No problem...
Bad site
select * from mod_newblocks where show_func like '%xhld%';
| bid | mid | func_num | options                                                    | name                          | title                   | content | side | weight | visible | block_type | c_type | isactive | dirname | func_file    | show_func         | edit_func         | template               | bcachetime | last_modified |
|  44 |   8 |        1 | s:13:"xhld0|1|128|A";                                      | Iiainoiua caaieiaee0          | Iiainoe XOOPS           |         |    5 |      8 |       0 | M          |        |        1 | xhld0   | headline.php | b_xhld_show       | b_xhld_edit       | xhld0_block_rss.html   |          0 |    1115051616 |
|  45 |   8 |        2 | a:4:{i:0;s:1:"x";i:1;s:2:"25";i:2;s:3:"128";i:3;s:2:"25";} | Caaieiaee iineaaieo iiainoae0 | Iineaaiea iiainoe XOOPS |         |    5 |      7 |       1 | M          | H      |        1 | xhld0   | headline.php | b_xhld_mixed_show | b_xhld_mixed_edit | xhld0_block_mixed.html |       3600 |    1115257588 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Good site
select * from them_newblocks where show_func like '%xhld%';
| bid | mid | func_num | options                                                  | name                          | title                   | content | side | weight | visible | block_type | c_type | isactive | dirname | func_file    | show_func         | edit_func         | template               | bcachetime | last_modified |
|  23 |   6 |        1 | a:3:{i:0;s:5:"xhld0";i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:3:"128";}|1|128|A | Iiainoiua caaieiaee0          | Eaiou iiainoae XOOPS    |         |    5 |      2 |       1 | M          | H      |        1 | xhld0   | headline.php | b_xhld_show       | b_xhld_edit       | xhld0_block_rss.html   |          0 |    1114354921 |
|  24 |   6 |        2 | s:11:"x|10|128|10";                                      | Caaieiaee iineaaieo iiainoae0 | Iineaaiea iiainoe XOOPS |         |    0 |      3 |       0 | M          |        |        1 | xhld0   | headline.php | b_xhld_mixed_show | b_xhld_mixed_edit | xhld0_block_mixed.html |          0 |    1114354921 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Votes:2 Average:0.00

normal Re: Can't clone block

Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/5/25 5:46
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
hi LazyBadger.

Your options of blocks have a style of XOOPS
Perhaps some files origined from are still alive by missing over-writing.

The right "options" fields are like this:
| options            |
| xhld0|1|128|A      |
| xhld0|10|128|2     |
There are no serialization.
Votes:2 Average:0.00

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