PEAK XOOPS - Tell A Friend in englishin japanese

Tell A Friend

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msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/4/4 22:55
ljmyers  Private   Posts: 1

My apologies for taking your time but I'm having a bit of a problem with the tell a friend module. I do love this module by the way.

When I use the tell a friend links added to my pages for this module, the result is an incorrect url in the message input. The incorrect url I continue to get is:
url: when the correct url should be:
url: . What ever page in my site that I have added this tell a friend link to, it always adds an extra women/ into the url for that page resulting in an incorrect url. Since I am not as knowledgable in php as I would like to be, I cannot find the problem. Any help and suggsetions from you would be great. Thanks so much for your time as it is appreciated.

The url to my site is and the links for tell a friend can be found by clicking Invite and Email This Page - for you to take a peak for your self if you like.

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